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单词 trousers 例句大全,用单词trousers造句:

According to the color, I would say that this jacket belongs to those trousers.
按颜色来说呢, 我觉得这件夹克和那条裤子很配。
My mother buys a pair of trousers for me. My mother buys me a pair of trousers.
He has abandoned suits in favour of linen jackets and khaki trousers and no tie.
They assume their trousers no longer fit because their legs have suddenly grown.
Yesterday, the scene of a Dicky Cheung shirt dress trousers, a refined appearance.
昨日, 现场得张卫健一身衬衣西裤打扮, 一副斯文模样。
My husband lost so much weight that he has to wear a belt to keep his trousers up.
Sit down when putting on trousers. Avoid trousers which are too long or too loose.
穿裤时应坐著, 裤子勿过长过宽。
The holes at the waist of the trousers can also be arranged in the trouser catches.
Wear simple clothing such as trousers with elastic waist bands for easy undressing.
宜穿著简单方便的衣服, 如橡筋头的裤子, 以方便如厕。
According to what my mother said, I liked wearing foot-long trousers most when young.
You are ageing and you are a curiosity, as you wear your trousers higher than they do.
Graham was standing there, his hands dug into the pockets of his baggy white trousers.
He was wearing gray flannel trousers, a blue wool turtleneck sweater and a blue blazer.
He pushed some old newspapers down the legs of trousers to keep warm in the bitter wind.
He rammed some old newspapers down the legs of trousers to keep warm in the bitter wind.
In our childhood, we sewed an elastic band inside our trousers to serve like today's waistband.
The play features scenes of hand-to-hand fighting between two actors wearing jacket and trousers.
The tramp stuffed some old newspapers down the legs of the trousers to keep warm in the bitter wind.
A pull band is added to solve the inconvenience of pulling when the trousers are put into the shoe tube.
Most of the time, he preferred to wear sweaters, baggy trousers, and old shoes rather than business suits.
他平时总是穿着毛衣, 宽松裤, 旧皮鞋, 而不是套装。
Mens trousers, breeches, of cotton, industrial and career apparel, other than playsuit, without thermal lining.
The keyring is held by a hand and is pulled backward lightly towards a trousers buckle while the keyring is hung.
When she come up to me, I saw her trousers, and found the trousers was tied a knot at the place beneath her thighs.
走近了, 我看到她的裤管, 从大腿处就打了结。
In Europe and America, dresses are worn by females of all ages as an alternative to a separate skirt and blouse or trousers.
Other mens trousers, breeches, industrial and career apparel, of synthetic fibres, other than playsuit, without thermal lining.

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