It had never occurred to him that Tigress had this card up her sleeve.
A large bronze statue of a tigress clawing the back of a water buffalo.
You were about to appoint the Tigress and that thing fell in front of her.
Xiangzi was dead to the world for two days and nights, and Tigress began to panic.
Tigress was silent and the small rooms were as still as a cave deep in the mountains.
And when Tigress begged her to tell, for all her embarrassment Joy didn't like to refuse.
Tigress brewed him a bowl of sugared ginger water and he downed it in one unthinking gulp.
虎妞给他冲了碗姜糖水, 他傻子似的抱着碗一气喝完。
The veterinarians felt that the loss of her litter had caused The tigress to a depression.
While Tigress cleared the table, Fourth Master Liu tilted his head as if thinking something over.
Tigress rented two small rooms with a southern exposure in a large tenement yard in the Maojiawan district.
Tigress walked in a westerly direction and Xiangzi fol lowed her to the archway ax one end of Beihai Bridge.
虎妞往西走, 祥子跟到了金鳌玉呜。
Tigress bore up another two days, then made such a commotion that the midwife was. sent for again. However, it was still too early.
她忍了两天, 就又闹腾起来。把收生婆又请了来, 还是不到时候。