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单词 tidy 例句大全,用单词tidy造句:

Work seriously and tidy, at independent thinking and analytical ability.
Clean and Tidy Village in the Construction of a New Socialism Rural Area
Comparison of its poetry Prosody pay attention to rhythm and tidy battle.
Many people choose composite cabinets because they look tidy and graceful.
Short, neat, tidy cuts are the big thing with male celebrities these days.
Word travels fast from cell cell. Cons scramble to tidy up and hide things.
What remains A young girl looks on as workers tidy up the carcass of a whale.
However, eversion of the cervical mucous good elasticity, the more tidy edge.
但外翻的宫颈粘膜弹性好, 边缘较整齐。
The tools were locked neatly in drawers and the work bench was extremely tidy.
那些工具被整齐地锁在柜子中, 而且工作台非常整洁。
Trim shrubs and keep flower beds clean and tidy to prevent rodent infestation.
定期修剪植物及保持花槽整洁, 以防鼠患。
Mixing tank and blades are made of stainless steel for assuring tidy and clean.
They tidy up Hu Tai together and there is no organization, but circulate to have Zhi.
他们一起清理着浒苔, 没有组织, 却运行有秩。
Solicitors advised their clients that a tidy look went down well with the magistrates.
Tidy sth outbremove unnecessary or unwanted items from sth and arrange the rest neatly
There was plenty to do cattle to feed , the garden to tend , the house closets to tidy.
有许多事要做牲口要喂, 园子要料理, 盥洗间要整理。
The only way to keep the garage clean and tidy is to clean it out thoroughly once a year.
The stock case study presents a tidy narrative arc, with a protagonist and a clear story line.
At home, after eating up the dinner, I will tidy up the cutlery to kitchen actively for mother.
在家中, 用完晚餐后, 我会主动帮妈妈收拾餐具到厨房。
My friend was an assiduous man, So he often kept the courtyard clean and tidy without any weed.
朋友是一个勤快人, 院里常常收拾得干干净净, 寸草不生。
To tidy up the stage, one must be very careful and put all the property of the troupe in order.
Assist the Bell Captain in keeping the storeroom clean and tidy especially luggage trolley upkeep.
Last week doctors in Massachusetts announced that Seined Senator Tidy Ted Kennedy has brain cancer.
Methods To analyze, tidy up and summarize the datum by searching for internal and external pertinent materials.
Provide meals up to the standard and ensure clean and tidy dinner sets and adequate amount and diversity of dishes.
按标准提供用餐, 确保餐具卫生清洁, 菜式量足丰富
Ensure the banquet store room is kept tidy trays, tables, chairs, skirting etc is maintained in an orderly fashion.

单词 tidy 释义

  • 单词释义:整洁的,有条理的;爱整洁的;一大笔(钱)的  [更多..]



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