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单词 throng 例句大全,用单词throng造句:

Sad, yes, sad thoughts of thee my heart doth swell, And burning recollections throng my brow!
A throng of shoppers pushed against one another to the display tables of the department store.
Nim observed a familiar face, moving nearer through the growing increasingly noisy throng of delegates.
Each stroke of the oar seemed to awaken a new throng of ideas, which sprang up with the flying spray of the sea.
Objects press around us filling the mind with their magnitude and with the throng of desires that wait upon them.
Village women rushed to join the throng in the hopes of pulling in a few shillings, tables balanced on their heads.
The Wineshop Drinking wine all day long, I wont keep my mind sane. Seeing the drunken throng, Should I sober remain
Outside, a throng of single IndianAmericans is eager to get onboard for a romantic experience that could change their lives.
而纷至沓来的人际关系纠结, 令我心生恐惧。
A policeman stands guard as thousands throng a market on the last Sunday ahead of Diwali, in Ahmadabad, India on October 11th, 2009.

单词 throng 释义

  • 单词释义:人群,大群人;众多  [更多..]



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