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单词 this 例句大全,用单词this造句:

This child lived, in this absence of affection, like the pale plants which spring up in cellars.
那孩子就这样生活在缺乏爱的状态中, 有如地窖中萎黄的草。
I absolutely love using this product! I wash out my baby's bathtub and my own bathtub with this.
We hope this concession of ours is acceptable to you and a contract can be signed at this level.
我们希望, 您能接受我方的让步, 在该价位上达成协议。
Either they're the same, or this one's bigger than this one, or this one's bigger than that one.
他们或者相等 或者这个比那个大 或者那个比这个大
This conclusion can provide academic gist for industrialization produce of this convenience food.
In this regard, this paper ranks to streamline the creation, Qualifications to access the system.
This utility can restore the long files names on this machine that were backed up with this utility.
The message was clear to me that this would absolutely be my last long term vacation with this company.
意思很明白, 这将是我在这家公司最后一次的长期旅行。
By accessing and viewing this website you agree to be bound by the Terms and Conditions of this website.
This zone was founded several days ago. The newborn baby encountered this kind of tragedy, it is abhorrent.
I believe this acceptance, this tenderness one has for others, is impossible without an acceptance of self.
The best assumption, and one of the best guesses in this stuff, is that this stuff comes out of this stuff.
最靠谱的假说和猜测, 这种物质来自于这些东西。
In this paper, we summarize the traditional algorithms based on profiles, analyzing the abuse of this method.
This is, to me, one of those great difficulties of this absolute, primary truth, to which I referred just now.
Drafts drawn under this credit must quote the name of this bank and the number of this credit mentioned above.
The Confucianists and Legalists actively took part in this political game, and the Taoists abandoned this game.
This light will be differentially absorbed depending on the color of the liquid and the intensity of this color.
Please remember sometimes that this clay, this sand, and this manure which you so arbitrarily dispose of, are men!
38 receive and disburse such funds in accordance with the decisions of this congregation or this Congregation Council.
The effective date of this Agreement is when You accept this Agreement in accordance with the procedure set out above.
Any member to this Convention may drop out of this Convention and shall notify the executive body of this Convention of this.
Second, people this consciousness and assist politics and do good to society, this is the Confucianist people this tradition influence.
of this particular device to the enemy, because it's imperative the enemy not get their hands on this absolutely essential piece of technology.
一个字 因为这么重要的设备的情报 绝对不能落入敌人之手
It is anticipated that this shift shall be accomplished by 2012, and that after this time electrical pulsations shall begin to rapidly dwindle.
预期该转变将于2012年完成, 此后, 电流的振动将开始迅速弱化。
And he said unto him, See, I have accepted thee concerning this thing also, that I will not overthrow this city, for the which thou hast spoken.

单词 this 释义

  • 单词释义:这,这个;这事,这人;这时;下面所说的事  [更多..]



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