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单词 thirsty 例句大全,用单词thirsty造句:

After running 1000 meters, the runner became thirsty and gulped a bowl of water.
Christ experienced a terrible death. He was thirsty; his breathing was difficult.
Swim back, they are thirsty and on speeding up the pace to cafe, drinking coffee.
游泳回来, 他们口渴了, 就加快脚步去咖啡屋, 喝咖啡。
You't beat a drink Adam's ale when your throat is dry and your are really thirsty.
当你口干舌燥, 实在渴时, 再没有比喝水更好的了。
As the salt of the earth, Christians can make others thirsty for the Water of Life.
Carry water or juice with you and drink continuously even if you do not feel thirsty.
携带水或果汁, 即使不怎麽渴也要经常喝。
I also recommend you bring a bottle of water that you can drink when you feel thirsty.
That sounds great! There's nothing better than a cold Coke when you're hot and thirsty.
I walked about in shorts, my bald head covered with a handkerchief, sweating and thirsty.
Suggest your nearby consults a person of the same trade, far hydrolyze not close thirsty.
建议你就近请教同行, 远水解不了近渴。
I always keep a drink of water by my bedside in case I am thirsty in the middle of the night.
Wow it is amazing no one talking about how your car is always thirsty for the Premium Gasoline.
哇, 很惊讶, 居然没有说自己的车已经缺汽油了。
The farmer and thirsty and hungry to rest, surprisingly bread under the tree with water is gone!
I was really worried because I was constantly thirsty and drinking water, but I rarely urinated.
However, Medieval scholasticism had a thirsty will for and a cautious affirmation about technology.
Drinking water or any other beverage in a macrobiotic diet is recommended only when one gets thirsty.
The cyber cafe also offers free drinkings in order that people dont have to leave when they are thirsty.
People who go to the teahouses are not really thirsty. They usually go there to enjoy tea and chat freely.
人们去茶馆不是真的口渴, 他们常去那里只是为了品茶聊天。
Litchi fills lienal beneficial liver, relieve a cough repose and stop action of thirsty recover from fatigue.
The inhabitants of the land of Tema brought water to him that was thirsty, they prevented with their bread him that fled.
I am a person who is thirsty for freedom. but , I am lack of abstention.The tarot illustrat the sagittarius is abstention.
我是个热爱自由的孩子, 但是, 极度缺乏控制力。
Some turtles bear the hunger to bear the thirsty ability to be strong, but several years do not eat not not easily to die.
有些龟耐饥耐渴能力较强, 可几年不食也不易死亡。
Systemic symptom has a mouth to work not thirsty, the skin presents skin armour fault, abdomen is prickled, painful have calm place.
He gnawed at a great venison pasty, and down beside him stood a great flagon, the sight of which made all three of the outlaws feel thirsty.
一看到这情形, 使得三个亡命之徒都觉口渴。
A group of teenagers who, in an attempt to rescue their friend from an evil corporation, end up releasing a horde of blood thirsty zombies.

单词 thirsty 释义

  • 单词释义:口渴的;渴望(求)…的;干旱的,缺水的;耗油的  [更多..]



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