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单词 thick 例句大全,用单词thick造句:

The Study for Emission Spectrum of Geometrically Thin and Optically Thick Accretion Disks
Actinic keratosis is a premalignant condition of thick, scaly, or crusty patches of skin.
Study on Factors Affecting Thick Oil Sewage Treatment Efficiency and Their Countermeasure
The original soup is too thick; it would probably taste better if we added some water to it.
a thick wooden slab formed by bonding together thick laminated strips of unpainted hardwood.
Except abundant harvest joyful, thick dear ones, but also has millennium culture accumulation.
This man really has a thick skin! He said such absurd and unreasonable words after his mistake.
Fierce winds on the island fog thick cream thick snow, there are many unique natural landscape.
岛上风猛雾大, 霜浓雪厚, 有许多独特的自然景观。
Hydrogen and methane deep in Jupiter's own thick atmosphere absorb light at infrared wavelengths.
With convenient traffic and thick business atmosphere, it is provided with an advantaged location.
四面交通环绕, 商气鼎盛, 具有得天独厚的地理位置。
char accumulate heat performance of coated tongue is thick, yellow urine, thirst, constipation etc.
中焦蕴热者可表现为舌苔厚, 尿黄, 便秘, 口渴等
Respectively certain drain pipe and absorb water the diameter, model number and walls of tube thick.
The inversion in the radiation fog is thick and strong, but weaker or no inversion in advection fogs.
if the adhesive layer with a thick, which increase the height of a uniformly cots, malta adhesive layer.
如果胶层较厚, 可提高匀胶辊高度, 将胶层减薄。
Rapid accumulation of anhydrite by the blowing of wind to form thick and large ore body played a certain role.
However, May 4th literary circles again reserve the thick and thick gentleman poise with the nobility qualities.
然而, 五四文坛又保留着浓厚的绅士风度和贵族气质。
Green tea taste is slightly less thick Shibuya, liquor color green, in a mixture of Securinega aeruginous shoots.
Chak thick winter advisability of using either quality, detailed flannel, heavy warm color to highlight thick Federated warmth.
Whether its tight cornrows, pigtails, thick plaits or just extensions, braids always accentuate the shape and beauty of the dome.
AIM To study the chemical constituents of thick privet from thick privet, Ligustrum robust BL, from Yuqing county, Guizhou Province.
Application of large medium thick skin, full thick skin or skin flap in skin grafting rehabilitation of patients with deep burnt hand
Simulation Research and Actual Measurements on Water Conservation Mining and Overlayer Strata Movement of Thick Base Rock Shallow Seam
In summer daytime, swarms of black butterflies swirl up and down in breeze and form something like a thick column when seen from afar.
这些黑蝴蝶上下旋转地飞, 远看像一根粗的圆柱子。
When tired of swimming about I would sit on the bank and gaze at the strip of water that wound away eastwards and hid behind a thick wood of acacia trees.
The results showed that the fruit surface cuticle of Yali cultivar was thick, and the epidermis cell interval was deepen, relatively thick, and closely arranged.
此外, 鸭梨近果皮果肉中石细胞多, 石细胞团大

单词 thick 释义

  • 单词释义:浓的,茂密的;厚的,粗大的;稠密的;不透明的  [更多..]



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