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单词 thailand 例句大全,用单词thailand造句:

Posters were also provided by United Nations Information Services in Bangkok, Thailand.
Koto has ridden passenger trains in Malaysia, Thailand, Korea, Taiwan, China and Japan.
The genetic variety and clustering analysis of red bean varieties from China and Thailand
Thailand and China enjoy brotherly relations and are sincere friends sharing weal and woe.
International Factors and the Ethnical Separatist Issue in the Four Provinces of South Thailand
On the Recent Development, Problems and Prospects of the Border Trade between Myanmar and Thailand
近年来缅泰边境贸易的发展, 问题及前景
It joins a number of other Cambodian casinos near the country's borders with Vietnam and Thailand.
Many countries in Asia, for example China and Thailand, have a lot of tourists throughout the year.
Special Ticketing Arrangement due to Thailand incident Terminal Move at Narita International Airport
The next day denounced the poor to send Guard, escort Yuan Fang, Jun Zhu, and Turks who went to Thailand.
第二天差斥派卫队, 护送元芳, 郡主和曾泰前往突厥。
Interestingly, Goose says both Thailand and Cambodia now indicate they are taking steps to accede to the Convention in the near future.
The State Railway of Thailand operates overnight trains equipped with clean and comfortable first-class sleepers to the border crossing at Nong Khai.
After a restful night lulled by the gentle rocking of the train, you'll wake to see the deep green countryside of northeastern Thailand rolling past in dawn's early light.
The ninth king of the Chakri dynasty, which ruled Thailand since 1782, Bhumipol succeeded to the throne in 1946 on the death of his brother, Ananda Mahidol, but was formally crowned only in 1950.

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