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单词 text 例句大全,用单词text造句:

Scribe Text Win Scribe Text is a document and workflow management system.
Like the sea of clouds text friends, see chastity text is a sea of clouds.
喜欢云海文字的朋友, 看的就是云海朴实无华的文字。
TextBox control is used to create a text box where the user can input text.
Text area Area occupied by text on a page, excluding running head and folio.
正文版度不计书眉和页码, 正文在书页上所占的面积。
To add text, click the edge of the callout, and then type or paste your text.
If clustering text, you need to convert the text to a numeric representation.
Pastes text from the system Clipboard into the currently active text element.
Properties hold the text causing the exception and the line number of that text.
but text messages about being bullied, text messages about being addicted to pot.
而是关于被霸凌 或者是关于大麻上瘾
This is simply the text that was marked for the annotations in the text analyzer.
Due to my limited ability, there must be errors in the text. I apologize for this.
Also analyzed are the page topic, headlines, and text surrounding the anchor text.
分析的网页的主题, 标题, 和周围的文本文字锚点。
Constructing an effective text classifier plays a key role in text categorization.
The most common text processing application is probably your favorite text editor.
You can also and drop additional text to add to the text already on your clipboard.
As a linguistic feature of the text, cohesion is the basis a text to be understood.
III. Read the text carefully and then fill the chart with the information the text.
认真阅读, 用课文中的信息来填表格。
Full text is composed of an introduction, tripartite such as text and brief summary.
全文有导论, 正文和小结等三部分组成。
Drop a round clock into your text document, and the text will flow around the circle.
To understand a written text we rely on the cognitive context inferred from the text.
Letters or numbers are smaller than text and are positioned above the text character.
Text composition is the most complicated task in the text phase of desktop publishing.
The font colors used for the text, highlighted text and cursor have also been changed.
用于文字字形颜色, 字, 标也凸显改变。
Translation, coherence, and text constitute an inseparable trinity in text translation.
Object representing a window on a text document, which may contain multiple text panes.

单词 text 释义

  • 单词释义:文本,原文;课文,教科书;主题;版本  [更多..]



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