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单词 there 例句大全,用单词there造句:

There's no eating There's no drinking There's no running There's no touching.
不许吃东西不许喝饮料不许跑动不许碰东西好吗?, 乔纳森?
It's because there's somebody there called foreign aid who contributes for it.
There are no toasts at state dinners in Pakistan, because there is no alcohol.
there's cameras, there's pressure sensors, fluorometers, there's seismometers.
有摄像头,压力探测器 透视定位器,地震检波器
There are small planets, there are bigger planets, there are big planets, okay.
There is no wisdom, there is no prudence, there is no counsel against the Lord.
I forget that there abides the old in the new, and that there also thou abidest.
see there's a hole there and a hole there, if it were real he would be bleeding.
Since there is money be made, there are a lot of private equity firms out there.
As a visual a visual aberration, things appear to be there, yet there is nothing.
如同视觉的变型, 事物显现在那里, 然而却空无一物。
It's not bad. It has a stereo, there's no noise, and there's also an alarm clock.
Are there good news? Of course, there are good news. There are lots of good news.
From there, he moved to Asia to help Booz Allen Hamilton expand its presence there.
There are innocent and guilty people, there are victims and, there are perpetrators.
If there is no genuine love there, then there is what the world is not hypocritical
I went there for some seminars and academic conferences, but I didn't stay there long.
我去参加过几次讨论会和学术会议, 但在那儿呆的时间不长。
Likewise, when there is an access to heaven, there's also one to hell, and vice versa.
如果有天堂可达, 未来就有地狱可入, 反之亦然。
There's the intellectual side, there's the emotional side, there's the spiritual side.
There is abed in the middle of the room. There is a blanket and a comforter on the bed.
卧室中间有一张床, 床上有一张毯子和一张被子。
There may have been an increase in photosynthesis because there were more algae around.
There was waste and there was want of proportion, but there was undeniable achievement.
There were many that were absolutely interested, but none that could get there by today.
有许多非常感兴趣, 但是没有人可以直道今天。
If there is a net torque, there will be an angular acceleration, and thats what you see.
若存在净转矩, 就会产生角加速度, 正如你们所见。
There was no kinetic energy here to start with, and there was no kinetic energy there.
There are some special boats carrying out the maintenance of the aids to navigation there.

单词 there 释义

  • 单词释义:在那里;那里;在那一点上  [更多..]



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