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单词 then 例句大全,用单词then造句:

being connected to a parachute, and then the parachute is then connected to the payload.
Upon leaving Germany, Einstein went first to France, then to Belgium and then to England.
Subsequent messages are then added to the diagram slightly lower then the previous message.
The cuckoo comes in April, sings a song in May, then Jun another tune, and then flies away.
布谷鸟四月来, 五月唱, 六月换个调, 飞走了
Life is one fucking beauty contest after another. You know, school, then college, then work.
David was then in the stronghold, while the garrison of the Philistines was then in Bethlehem.
And then the message cascades into the amygdala, and then goes down the autonomic nervous system.
Then after that digression then you have this seventh seal which is really kind of anticlimactic.
From then on then on the rose has been in blossom in my heart, sending off fragrance in my dream.
The glucuronides were then first methylated, then acetylated and optical rotations were tabulated.
Must then immediately trigger the fighting, and then received the assassination of Paul's mission.
The powder form coffee bean then is very special, entering boiling water, they changed a water then.
And then tomorrow, and then tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow, and of course tomorrow never comes.
Then with the use of washing water, the cloth is washed and then finally taken out of the steamer body.
然后与洗涤水使用, 水洗布, 最后采取了蒸笼体外。
Just then, an elephant and a cow came and waved to the hippo. then, they helped move the tree trunk away.
然后, 大象和母牛来了, 他们帮助了河马移动树干。
essential oils from such foods get into the blood, then into the lungs, then out with each exhaled breath.
And then it makes natural gas, which then goes back into the city to power the fuel for the cooking for the city.
然后它产生天然瓦斯,再回到城里 作为炊煮用燃料。
We went for some swimming crabs first, two for each, then we bought some hairy crabs and then two different shellfishes.
Put the eggs white and sugar in a bowl then whip it together until very foamy, then mix gently with your sour cherry mix.
将蛋白及糖搅拌至浓稠的泡沫状, 与酸樱桃酱混合
If the name is not right then speech will not be in order, and if speech is not in order then nothing will be accomplished.
Then he drew a few lines, put in a few rests, then a clef at the beginning, and we saw these black dots were musical notes.
He opened his mouth once or twice, then closed his eyes in concentration, then shook his head and puffed out air in exasperation.
他嘴张了张, 接着闭目思索, 然后摇摇头, 愤怒地吐出一口气。
First, I wrote the poem out in my finest flourish. Then I used colored crayons to draw an elaborate border around it. Then I waited.
She then started the engine of her car again whilst using a mobile telephone, which then drove forward and she then drove backwards.
她在说话的同时启动了汽车, 先是往前开然后是倒车
The machine then begins a procedure by which it first makes sure the bill is actual currency and then determines the denomination of the bill.

单词 then 释义

  • 单词释义:那时;然后;那么;话说回来  [更多..]



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