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单词 territory 例句大全,用单词territory造句:

Any violation of our territory, any aggression, will be met by a firm and fierce response.
The criminal law is applicable to all offences committed in the territory of the Republic.
Nubian rare resource bonus applies only in their own territory and not that of their allies
In addition, military blunders are another major reason for our losses in men and territory.
Jielu people in the territory, without angst. Jun He asked to Fall, much to heart since being.
When human ancestors began eating meat, they were forced to expand their territory to find food.
Inspired by the spirit of nationalism each country hoped to gain for itself additional territory.
在民族主义精神的激励下, 每个国家都希望取得更多的领土。
The territory, back in the embrace of the motherland, will surely have an even brighter tomorrow.
This refers also to all applications for transit through the territory of the Republic of Poland.
There is also evidence that the territory of Iran was affected by the oil spill in the Persian Gulf.
The notion of expulsion includes the compulsory departure of an alien from the territory of a State.
For water, the territory of Wayao River, Xin'an River, Canoe River, North River Los circulation territory.
境内有 瓦窑河,新安河,独木河,洛北河流通境内。
At the moment, The calculating machine is living to administer the territory by the wideranging application.
No activities by such individuals or entities have been detected in the territory of the Argentine Republic.
The downsizing of business activities in the territory results in diminishing demand for accounting services.
has the right to appoint the Distributor as the sole and exclusive distributor of the Products in the Territory.
Transit passengers are not allowed to leave in the territory, the articles they bring in, without Customs approval.
All convertible foreign banknotes brought in the territory from abroad may be deposited in the foreign banknotes accounts.
凡从境外携入的可自由兑换的外币现钞, 存入外钞账户。
The aim of this paper is to sketch a picture of politeness from the perspective of the theory of territory of information.
A Verification of the Birthplace of Ancient Yelang Nation On Ancient Geographical Environment and Territory of Fuyu Nation
The Guam Department of Agriculture is entrusted with developing and protecting the Territory's agriculture and natural resources.
An oversea investor with any unfavorable record is not allowed to conduct any of the aforesaid activities within the Chinese territory.
Some airlines worry that offering a bed in business moves too close to the territory of first class where the biggest profit margins lie.
When we say it is a major country, we mean it has a huge population and a vast territory, although it has more mountains than arable land.
Friday, Gap lost in its attempt to dismiss a lawsuit accusing it of selling clothes made under sweatshop conditions in the U.S. territory of Saipan.

单词 territory 释义

  • 单词释义:领土;地盘;范围  [更多..]



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