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单词 terrified 例句大全,用单词terrified造句:

I was terrified that the horse would bolt and I would not know how to stop it.
我害怕那马会脱缰奔跑, 而我却不知如何让它停下来。
Shi Difu listens, it is one terrified first, then againagain clap says clever.
史帝夫听罢, 先是一怔, 继而连连拍手称妙。
But they were terrified and became frightened and thought they beheld a spirit.
The terrified customers stuck up their arms and did what the robbers commanded.
Terrified residents ran in panic and confusion as gunfire crackled around them.
被抢林弹雨包围的居民们胆战心惊, 在混乱中慌忙逃走。
He broke open the backdoor and helped evacuate the terrified children to safety.
You exaggerate your fears, and you're terrified about the humiliation of defeat.
你夸大你的恐惧 并且你惧怕失败 给你带来的羞耻。
Terrified animals attacks prisoners chained to posts or bound up with fresh meat.
'Wake up every morning terrified - not of the competition but of our customers. '
Colcord agreed to do this so as not to disappoint the crowd, but he was terrified.
为了不让观众失望, 克尔科特同意了, 但他可吓坏了。
My dad, who is usually the most pessimistic person in the universe, was terrified.
The government terrified the population into accepting the existence of the police.
The villagers were terrified when they heard that the lion had got out of its cage.
当村民们听说那头狮子已逃出笼子时, 都惊恐万状。
Shaun WrightPhillips Terrified at the sight of the snake bearing down on him, he runs off.
The parents were terrified for their children, and they collectively refused to disembark.
If cabin pressure is lost, place the mask over your face to hide your terrified expression.
要是机舱失压, 请戴上面具, 别让人看见你吓得要死。
So King Belshazzar became more terrified and his face grew more pale. His nobles were baffled.
All daytime long not is do a word is stuffy in the yard, not terrified seclude with a life time
整天不是练字就是闷在院子里, 不怕与世隔绝吗?
Aristophanes Was terrified of bees. He hid from them in bogs And made the acquaintance of Frogs.
Suddenly, amid all the hubbub of the gale, there burst forth the wild scream of a terrified woman.
Chiachus terrified gaze was riveted on the flashes from the muzzle of the machinegun ahead of him.
Seeing this, the terrified doe turned tail and ran back to the forest clearing as fast as she could.
The Qiao son really thinks cachinnation, although she is terrified to horrify this to adopt to spend a thief.
The sea was so rough that both she and the skipper were terrified she might give birth before they reached the mainland.
Silently I put the pants in the wastebasket, gave her mine, and we returned to the table--both terrified by her incontinence.

单词 terrified 释义

  • 单词释义:adj.恐惧的,受惊吓的  [更多..]



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