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单词 terribly 例句大全,用单词terribly造句:

I knew I had wronged her terribly when I accused her of being unfaithful.
He sings terribly, out of tune now and then, but I still have to applaud.
However, April was not a terribly tough performance month for the Turtles.
Aunt Maggie really has a thing about horses, she's terribly afraid of them.
玛吉大婶确实厌恶马, 她怕马怕极了。
Artists are terribly difficult people for us ordinary mortals to deal with.
Besides, the willing collusion with the aspiration business rankles terribly.
此外, 与高品位行业为伍的意愿也很折磨人。
Apparently, you were cracking a harmless joke, but she was terribly scared.
I'venever told this to anyone, but it's true, I was terribly ashamed of my mum.
I am sure that being to so many dinners as you do, you must get terribly bored.
When Charles went to Switzerland for a ski vacation, Diana missed him terribly.
当查尔斯去瑞士作滑雪旅行时, 黛安娜对他朝思暮想。
It's terribly noisy living near the airport; planes are coming over all the time.
Simultaneously and hurriedly beat terribly hot water, obliterate body for Yi snow.
一边赶紧打好热水, 为伊雪擦拭身子。
Scorpios require fidelity, which, more often than not, Aries find terribly confining.
The U. S. electrical grid is antiquated, prone to breaking down and terribly wasteful.
So I am not terribly impressed by those who know in advance what will or will not happen.
我不会惊讶于 谁会提前知道 会发生什么。
Rice is cheap in the autumn and winter, but it becomes terribly dear in spring and summer.
谷子秋冬便宜, 春夏又贵得厉害。
The house was terribly small and cramped, but the agent described it as a bijou residence.
Now this little critter, it's only about half a millimeter in size, not terribly charismatic.
My acquaintance confirmed that his fellow postmen were neither terribly nice nor terribly nasty.
What makes this challenge even more difficult is that Dolly is not terribly real for most people.
Gangway watchman Im terribly sorry, Mr. Smith. I havent received any instruction about your arrival.
舷梯值班很抱歉, 我没有接到有关您上船的指令。
I'm terribly embarrassed to say this, but I must cancel my dinner appointment with you this evening.
实在很不好意思, 今晚和你约好的饭局, 我没法子去了。
They only know how to shift responsibility onto others; every time a task is assigned to them, their efficiency is terribly low.
Andrews We have some carving knives in the abattoir, a few more in the mess hall.Some fire axes scattered about the place nothing terribly formidable.
安德鲁斯我们有一些弯刀和火斧, 没什么可怕的。
I’m terribly sorry for the short notice, but I’m gonna have to cancel today because something really urgent has come up. Can we meet on Monday instead?

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