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单词 threat 例句大全,用单词threat造句:

Those people are always the threat to the status quo, to what is considered acceptable.
这些人对所谓的 可以接受的标准,一直都是威胁。
At this point, however, the acute crisis has given way to a much more insidious threat.
然而, 在这一点上, 严峻危机已经让位于潜伏更深的威胁。
Additional soldiers must be recalled to active duty in the face of this military threat.
The agency said there was no imminent threat, but introduced extra security at airports.
该机构说, 目前还没有威胁, 但在机场增加了安全措施。
This poses a threat to agriculture and the food chain, and consequently to human health.
Ending world hunger, The promise of biotechnology and the threat of antiscience zealotry
Spring rainfall less drought and summer floods on agricultural production greater threat.
Torress absence leaves Peter Crouch to shoulder the burden of Liverpools attacking threat.
The threat of toxic agents to damage neurons by causing the accumulation of harmful proteins.
NEW Intimidate now generates significantly greater threat against affected monsters when used.
They used the threat of strike action as a lever to get the employers to agree to their demands.
他们威胁要罢工, 试图以此迫使雇主答应他们的要求。
There was an age in the Age of Empires when you needed those people who can survive under threat.
在帝国时代 你需要一些能够受到威胁而能存活下来的人。
The aerial bombardments have neutralized the threat of artillery attacks on allied ground forces.
Neither accommodation nor recognition would be sustainable options in the face of the zombie threat.
在活僵尸的威胁面前, 既不和解也不认同是或可维持的选择。
Therefore, that threat needs to be urgently and decisively addressed by the international community.
This widespread campaign of intimidation and threat is antithetical to the very spirit of elections.
Aircraft carriers and their accompanying ships are unable to defend themselves against such a threat.
The greatest threat to the grey nurse shark is from fishing and accidental hooking, and shark finning.
Fellow midfielder Steven Gerrard will pose an additional threat thanks to his longrange shooting prowess.
中场同伴杰拉德将给与额外的威胁, 因为他的远射。
One flares its wings and arches its back in a dramatic threat display to relieve the tension of crowding.
The Juniper UTM is designed to allow all traffic except for that defined by the administrator as being a threat.
But environmental activists are not yet ready to dismiss the threat posed by toxic chemicals on U. S. military bases.
At first Wall Street analysts were afraid of the threat posed by the giant bookstores chains, but Barnesandnoble.com did nothing to slow Amazon's amazing sales.
That would counter the threat to giant recording companies posed by software like Napster and Gnutella something Singapore's by-the-rules technocrats would surely appreciate.
While the amount of the additive, called thimerosal, in a single vaccine poses no threat, it's remotely possible that the accumulated mercury in multiple inoculations might cause neurological damage.

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