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单词 thankfully 例句大全,用单词thankfully造句:

Thankfully, Reid had the wit to see what was wrong with the plan.
幸好里德聪明, 看出了这个计划的问题所在。
They came out of the tunnel and thankfully breathed the fresh air.
On the other hand, thankfully, he has yet to confront a serious crisis.
另一方面, 谢天谢地, 他还未面对真正的危机。
Thankfully, the air pollution levels were not especially bad yesterday.
Thankfully, my newfound equine friends nodded me in the right direction.
Thankfully the Great Dome was never built due to the break out of the war.
Thankfully, there is now a new generation of super efficient exhaust hoods.
谢天谢地, 现在有了新一代的超级效能排风罩。
Thankfully Changsha's favourite tofu definitely tastes better than it smells.
感谢长沙美味的臭豆腐, 它吃起来确实比闻起来要好。
Thankfully, contemporary operating systems are much better at this sort of thing.
Thankfully it wasn't a fire, just a vent problem in our air system, rubber burning.
I got streetcar in a downpour and thankfully opened the umbrella to protect myself.
Thankfully many people have recognized the importance of protecting the Yangtze River.
Thankfully, this blackout reminded me to slow down and admire the beautiful night scenery.
多亏了这场停电, 提醒我稍微停下脚步, 欣赏外面美丽的夜景。
The most common injury, I'm told thankfully, there are none today, is a broken collarbone.
I got off the streetcar in a downpour and thankfully opened the umbrella to protect myself.
I am sorry to have to deliver this news too, but thankfully this period will be fairly short.
I often came back with holes in my aircraft, but thankfully they were all in the wrong places.
我驾机返航时, 机身往往弹痕累累, 好在都没有击中要害部位。
Thankfully, in this area of international law that possibility has now been definitively eliminated.
The risk of a dollar rout, with the incalculable wreckage that would imply for all asset markets, is thankfully greatly reduced.

单词 thankfully 释义

  • 单词释义:(用以表示高兴或宽慰)幸亏;高兴地,感激地  [更多..]



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