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单词 suggest 例句大全,用单词suggest造句:

The organizer doesn't provide accommodation, and we suggest make an early reservation.
but at some point they had to at least suggest the abject nature of the bestial desire.
These percentages suggest rather efficient use of administrative and management resources.
Data suggest that topiramate could aid reversion of chronic migraine to episodic migraine.
Doctors suggest that one should use the Acne Scar cream following a routine skin care method.
I suggest that you temporarily submit to others, and wait for the proper time to take action.
They also suggest that at least some of those people were the ancestors of modern Amerindians.
The results also suggest that the largest increases in welfare would accrue to rural households.
We suggest that iodine content of iodized salt should be adjusted to a more reasonable standard.
If your blain blain is flush, the doctor can suggest your avoid certain food, do not eat acrimony.
如果你的痘痘泛滥, 医生都会建议你忌口, 别吃辛辣。
Aid in the investigation of deficiencies and problems, and suggest action to prevent reoccurrence.
However, the majority of the academic world disapprove and even suggest getting rid of this practice.
但是, 学界对新闻暗访多不认同, 甚至有人提出坚决予以取消。
Might I respectfully suggest to the town council that they should adopt a policy of masterly inactivity?
The role of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine may ultimately suggest new Parkinson's disease treatments.
We suggest that you take advantage of the enclosed order and ensure that you will be completely satisfied.
And now reports suggest the star is enrolling at Oxford University, one of Britain's top academic facilities.
The report did not suggest the spacecraft was in any danger, and described the adjustment as minor and routine.
Initial tests with silicon suggest that this kind of patterning can lead to a fivefold enhancement in absorbance.
Regarding the payment for raw material and finished product, I suggest that reciprocal letter of credit is adopt.
关于原材料和成品费用的支付, 我建议双方对开信用证。
Some professional pastry chefs suggest adding a pinch of salt with the raw egg whites at the beginning of beating.
Researchers even suggest that most adults can safely gain 10 pounds every decade without cutting their life short.
The current research results suggest that there is a close relationship between aldosterone and atrial fibrillation.
And if you are looking out for her wellbeing , I suggest you advise her to pick up the injection gun and bring it to me.
如果你为她着想, 我劝你叫她捡起注射枪然后把它给我。
Listening to the chest with a stethoscope reveals abnormal breath sounds, such as crackles that suggest fluid in the lungs.
If any cells show signs of the early mutations that lead to cancer, doctors can suggest the drug tamoxifen, which is believed to reduce the risk of breast cancer by suppressing precancerous cells.

单词 suggest 释义

  • 单词释义:建议;推荐;表明;暗示  [更多..]



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