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单词 subscription 例句大全,用单词subscription造句:

We are pleased to announce that CABAL Online will soon cease charging a monthly subscription fee.
我们很荣幸地宣布, 惊天动地将取消游戏月费。
Automate report delivery through a standard subscription and set report presentation preferences.
通过标准订阅自动执行报表传递, 并设置报表显示首选项。
In addition to the sale of virtual items, it earns revenue from advertising and subscription fees.
Party A shall deliver the goods within 30 working days after receiving the subscription of Party B.
We will send the confirmation the subscription and the password after we have accepted your payment.
当付款被确认, 本研究院将附上订阅确认通知及登入密码。
The subscription store is not initialized. Please contact your system administrator for this server.
Research on the legal dimension of contracts on advance sales subscription of commercial real estate
The allotment basis depends on the number of valid applications for subscription for the IPO shares.
Returns the query used to evaluate a subscription to a subscription class that supports condition actions.
Current and subscription termination times defined in the broker based on the current subscription request.
If you have already paid the full subscription appropriate to your class, please state date and amount sent.
如果您已经缴纳了全额会费, 请说明缴纳日期和缴纳金额。
Any institutions are not allowed to apportion journalism subscription to enterprises or call for sponsorship.
As you know, the major income streams of the newspaper industry are subscription fees and advertising revenues.
众所周知, 报纸行业的主要收入来自订阅费和广告收入。
Overemphasize artistry in the East Atrium, internal subscription period will be at the international ban plate.
Your subscription management application must be able to locate and access the instance and application databases.
Many players in the broadband market expect a pay-per-view or flat-rate subscription model to take hold on the Web.
A member remains liable for the full annual subscription until the application for a reduced rate has been approved.
A subscription class can define other information, such as indexes on the subscription data and supplemental tables.
If you wish to nominate more than one car, please enclose the appropriate annual subscription for the additional cars.
如登记超过一辆私家车, 请缴付有关之额外车辆年费。
If you subscribe to a cable or satellite service, your subscription might not include the channel youre trying to access.
The details of the subscription are different depending on whether or not the publication uses a subscription expression.
Online advertising does not seem able to deliver the kind of revenue that oldfashioned subscription services did. The culprit
It is reported, the money of partial be apt to that auctions earning gives Guangzhou beneficent conference free subscription.
The classes that you use to synchronize a push subscription depend on the type of publication to which the subscription belongs.
Make friends with an official and you become poor, with a merchant you wax rich and with a priest you acquire a subscription Book.

单词 subscription 释义

  • 单词释义:(报刊等的)订阅费;捐款;(俱乐部的)会员费;捐助  [更多..]



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