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单词 substitute 例句大全,用单词substitute造句:

A xxx all amount of olive oil applied after shampooing can substitute hair conditioner.
A tropical asian evergreen tree having aromatic bark used as a substitute for cinnamon.
一种亚洲常绿热带乔木, 有可作肉桂皮替代品的芳香树皮。
The error analysis in the measurment of amperemeter resistance with the substitute method
Those who put forward this argument are thinking of video as a substitute television set.
Not quite the substitute you were hoping for Herbal tea was the other accepted alternative.
如果这不是你喜欢的替代品, 也可以选择饮用花草茶。
It is a trend that the auto winding machine will substitute the traditional winding machine.
Preparation of new amorphous substitute for silver solder and investigation of its properties
But it was really diefling glycol, a low cost substitute commonly used in optimal bill antifreeze.
Xabi Alonso opened the scoring with a brilliant curling drive and substitute Bolo Zenden made it 20.
阿隆索打进了一个漂亮的弧线球, 而替补岑登将比分锁定在20。
The existence of substitute teachers is the result of reality which should be acknowledged by the law.
In order to strengthen corona effect, arista electrode used as substitute for grid electrode was presented.
She said military trucks will substitute for polling stations that were badly damaged or left without power.
If biometric signatures are used as a substitute for handwritten signatures, a problem of evidence may arise.
Substitute Akvavit for Vodka. In original recipe. Garnish with lemon wedge and giant caper berry on a side plate.
用白兰地替换伏特加, 饰柠檬楔片及浆果。
Effect of different combination of substitute antibiotic additives on the productivity of meat type finishing pigs
The parlance that dies a soul to seek substitute to return a life time also is abandon gradually with the oblivion.
Baekeland recognized a killer ap when he saw one. If only he could come up with a synthetic substitute for shellac.
Substitute ego, also substitute the month imperial concubine who is silly to wait that person in the chilly temple.
Triphosgene, as the perfect substitute for phosgene, is applied on the synthesis of more important organic compounds.
Reciprocating plunger seals have been substitute by mechanically or hydraulically actuated diaphragms in diaphragm pumps.
The paper explored the manufacturing process of substitute wollastonite flour for barium sulfide to produce the alkyd putty.
But phone companies can no longer afford to be rooted by the notion that the voice is a medium for which there is no substitute.
Pathological changes of human hair artificial tendon used as substitute for the achilles tendon and embedded in the muscle in rabbits
Thus, the artificial fermentation Cordyceps fungal substance can substitute for the natural Chinese caterpillar fungus to be consumed.
因此, 人工发酵虫草菌质可以替代天然虫草应用。
Studies on White Muscardine Pupa as Substitute for White Muscardine Silkworm and Mensuration of Content of Active Component for Anticonvulsion

单词 substitute 释义

  • 单词释义:n.代用品,代替者,替代品v.代替,替换,替代  [更多..]



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