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单词 stuff 例句大全,用单词stuff造句:

Allow your brain to absorb new stuff Everybody has a certain learning rhythm.
The calcined kaolin with high surface activity should be used as proper stuff.
A silent tongue and true listent are not the maximum admirable stuff on earth.
Michael has Linc stuff air conditioner aerosol cans into rolls of toilet paper.
It weren't long ago I were doing stuff those I will forever be ashamed to admit.
不久, 我就开端做些我永远耻于承认的事件。
He's doing stuff that looks as amazing as stuff I've seen released from Hollywood.
Your beliefs are the result of blind acceptance of authority, all secondhand stuff.
Before QC, they would add fakes real stuff, now we have QC, they are adding poison.
没有质检部门时只是掺假, 有质检部门时还要掺毒。
Macquarie expects the average fan in South Africa to consume 51 litres of the stuff.
It's only a matter of time before the media picks upYeah, I just had afterschool stuff
If you have severe acne scars as I had, sometimes you have to go for the stronger stuff.
would go in the air and stuff in the air would go into the ground has played itself out.
在地上和空中 漂浮不定 已经将自己展示出来了。
Dust dirt and method of the what after dirty stuff is allergic can be eliminated quickly!
I absolutely will not wear a tummy revealing shirt without slathering this stuff on first.
The innocentlooking scaly avocado is loaded with good stuff to make us look like hot stuff.
But usually I have an accessory, like sunglasses, or I like crystal and stuff like that too.
我通常会戴一个配件 比如太阳眼镜 我还喜欢水晶配件
Walks on the beach and stuff , things that lovers say and do. I love you boo, I love you too.
走在海滩上等等, 爱人们说和做的事。我也爱你, 我也爱你。
A twodirectional barrel roll stuff blender relates to the stuff blending and mixing equipment.
一种双向滚桶拌料机, 涉及物料的搅拌及混合设备。
She will, after all, be doing me a favour by relieving me of stuff I can no longer accommodate.
毕竟, 她会帮我减轻不必要的辎重。
Employ workers in accordance with production needs and increase efficiency while reducing the stuff
以产定人, 减员增效
Most viruses aren't activated--and will not spread--until you use the stuff in which they 're hiding.
In addition, rush also is high grade papermaking raw material and absolutely good anticorrosive stuff.
The best assumption, and one of the best guesses in this stuff, is that this stuff comes out of this stuff.
最靠谱的假说和猜测, 这种物质来自于这些东西。
This site is jammed with useful facts, from showtimes to shopping, kids stuff to adults-only, as well as daily Vegas news.
Mary had all her wisdom teeth pulled yesterday, and for two weeks, as she was advised by the doctor, she could only eat soft stuff.

单词 stuff 释义

  • 单词释义:材料,原料,资料;〈俚〉钱,现金;填充物;素材资料  [更多..]



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