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单词 suberect 例句大全,用单词suberect造句:

Vines suberect to scandent, unarmed.
藤本植物近直立的到攀援, 无刺。
Plants shrubby, suberect to scandent.
植株灌木状, 近直立的到攀援。
Herbs perennial, climbing or suberect.
多年生草本, 攀援或近直立。
Woody climbers, occasionally suberect shrubs, to 1 m tall, deciduous.
Stem suberect or prostrate, usually simple, elongate or short, sometimes indistinct.
Point massage oil it contains extracted oil of Ginseng, Peppermint, Cassia Twig and Suberect Spatholobus.
穴位按摩油含人参, 荷, 枝, 血藤等提取油。

单词 suberect 释义

  • 单词释义:adj.接近垂直的,几乎直立的,几乎笔直向上长的  [更多..]



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