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单词 sunshine 例句大全,用单词sunshine造句:

I was absolutely delighted with the brilliant sunshine shining through the window.
Convoy for LuLu that like every sunshine can accompany you move ahead all the way!
The dooryard used to be the place where we enjoyed sunshine in the winter afternoon.
Linear character of the sunshine of the gap in the artifical forest in Xishuangbanna
The majority and the minority alike should benefit from sunshine and rain of the law.
Under the bright sunshine on New Year's Day, the little girl appeared to be sleeping.
Because of the abundant sunshine, the melons, pears and cantaloupes are big and sweet.
She had dark and abundant hair, so glossy that it threw off the sunshine with a gleam,
It worked and would measure the amount of sunshine in a single day with some accuracy.
According to the weather forecast, there will be a week of alternate rain and sunshine.
根据天气预报, 下礼拜时雨时晴。
Thats an ad for a fictional company in the movie Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.
Life, with an ambition, as if I was in the shining sunshine of the morning all the time.
有了目标的生活, 仿佛时刻沐浴在初晨的温暖日光之下。
Taking shelter in its shade, I sat down to appreciate the cool breeze and warm sunshine.
我躲在棉被背后阴影处, 坐下来享受清风灿日。
A diver swims with a moray eel during a press preview at the Sunshine Aquarium in Tokyo.
在东京的阳光水族馆, 潜水员与热带海鳗与媒体见面。
They looked and nodded approvingly, before dashing away into the late afternoon sunshine.
Baode better light and heat conditions, the annual average sunshine hours for2763.5 hours.
Sunshine harbor is development of our country key is coastal 20 advocate one of hub harbor.
Have the past eventful days, had lost, disappointed, has had the sunshine and the ambition.
忆往昔峥嵘岁月, 有过迷茫, 失望, 有过阳光与志向。
The thin ring of sunshine encircling the moon during an annular eclipse is called an annulus.
在日环食期间, 绕着月亮的那轮浅浅的太阳光就被称为环面。
Sunshine, temperature. windspeeds and rainfall all affect the growth and cropping of apple trees.
the motorbike also suffers sunshine, rain and dust accumulation during parking to harm the motorbike.
Percentage ratio of actual amount of bright sunshine to the total possible between sunrise and sunset.
We should develop the sunshine project actively, it can save energy resources as well as reduce pollution.
Slight motions of the front northward or southward bring alternating periods of overcast skies and sunshine through the month.
海潮改变了方向, 要把他们往南推, 但风和浪却要往北。
Not so very long ago I was outside in the sunshine, inhaling the fragrance of rosemary and lavender, and picking a nosegay of penstemon and anemone.

单词 sunshine 释义

  • 单词释义:阳光,日光;晴朗,晴天;太阳晒着的地方;欢乐  [更多..]



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