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单词 sunlight 例句大全,用单词sunlight造句:

It has rounded walls that aim sunlight directly into bottom of the oven.
People often sunbathe in comfortable places where there is ample sunlight.
Soot readily absorbs sunlight, warming the atmosphere where it is abundant.
烟尘很容易吸收阳光, 烟尘多的地方将使气候升温。
We we bask in the sun, the sunlight activates every cell in the human body.
Please remember, that day afternoon sunlight and our brilliant smiling face.
It has rounded walls that aim sunlight directly into the bottom of the oven.
It has rounded walls that aim the sunlight directly into bottom of the oven.
它有圆墙, 其目的是阳光直接进入炉底。
Sunlight filters through fall foliage in Alabamas Talladega National Forest.
It's a modified alkyd resin paint. Resistant to sunlight, sea water and oil.
一种改性醇酸树脂漆。耐日晒, 耐海水, 耐油。
Under the sunlight of snowscape, it's hardly to open your eye to appreciate.
阳光下的雪景, 叫人张开眼睛来欣赏。
Understands the appreciation, your mood forever the sunlight is then bright.
懂得欣赏, 你的心情便永远阳光灿烂。
I want God to play in my bloodstream the way sunlight amuses itself on water.
Some flowers prefer shade, just like young lassies, they must avoid sunlight.
有得花喜欢阴凉, 就跟姑娘们似得, 得防晒。
The sunlight according to from now on mood, will be able forever to be bright!
阳光照过后的心情, 会永远灿烂!
The color screen has a huge viewing angle and doesn't fade in direct sunlight.
Maybe it was the time of day, late afternoon with its pretty, angled sunlight.
也许就是那个时候, 是因为黄昏的日光折射着它的瑰丽。
Dont anticipant for bad things may not happen, keep the sunlight in your heart.
Touched by sunlight, barren winter treetops in Ely, Minnesota, are illuminated.
It has rounded walls that X aim sunlight directly into the X bottom of the oven.
It has rounded walls that aims aim sunlight directly into the bottom of the oven.
这种炉具有着圆形的墙壁, 直接将太阳光聚焦到炉具的底部。
Australia Yupeng, double landing balcony, where appropriate, to control sunlight.
A fretwork of sunlight and shadow The lawn was checkered with sunlight and shade.
Exposure to sunlight temporarily causes freckles to darken and new ones to appear.
This carbon dioxide lets sunlight enter the earth's atmosphere and heat the earth.
This will provide access to sunlight and free circulation of air as the roses grow.

单词 sunlight 释义

  • 单词释义:n.日光,阳光,日照  [更多..]



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