Please additionally submit an Audited Account of the Project supported by an auditor's report.
You should submit your application for an entry permit through one of the authorised airlines.
They're told not to submit articles that are thinly disguised advertisements or personal essays.
Please print clearly in either English or Chinese and submit application Form to Admission Office.
It is recommended that you submit this expense statement shortly after the club has been admitted.
Their ultimate and real aim is to force Qing government to submit, to sign the treaty immediately.
Please complete and submit this form accompanied by proof of payment to the Academic Affairs Office.
The Experience of 78 Cases Keep Treatment in Acute Injury Hematoma of Submit Tentorium of Cerebellum
The failure of the respondent to submit a defense shall not affect the proceeding of the procedures.
被请求人逾期不提交答辩书的, 不影响处理程序的进行。
The applicant should ensure they have read the guidance carefully and submit the specified documents.
If additional application is needed, please photocopy this application form and submit it to the Bank.
如须递交更多申请, 请影印此申请表, 填妥后一并交予本行。
Please print clearly in either English or Chinese and submit the application form to Admission Office.
The Commission agreed to submit the texts of those reports, reproduced below, to the General Assembly.
Applicants must submit at least three letters of recommendation to the chair of the academic department.
Applicants are required to submit completed application forms, and pay the annual fee of the membership.
申请人必须仔细填写进阶服务申请表格, 和支付会籍年费。
In case of changing accountant office, the leading reporting bank shall also submIt'statement in writing.
如更换会计师事务所, 主报告行还应提交书面说明。
For married couple application, please complete separate application form and submit together at the same time.
夫妇联合申请, 请分别填写申请表并一并交回处理。
The failure of the respondent to submit a defence shall not affect the proceeding of the arbitration procedures.
被申请人未提交答辩书的, 不影响仲裁程序的进行。
ITC will no longer be required to submit a budget outline as foreseen in the current administrative arrangements.
Applicants must submit the original copy of this application, otherwise, their applications will not be considered.
She will also invite the taxpayer to submit written representation with regard to the proposed additional tax assessment.
For all these reasons, the Ambassador requested that the organization should submit a new application for consultative status.
According to the usual practice, you are requested to submit to us your annual sales program, i. e. an estimated amount of turnover.
按照惯例, 要求你方提交一份年度销售计画, 即估计营业额。
Copy of business license of the local host unit is also required. Those who have not been invited should submit financial affidavit for living expense in China.
I hereby confirm that our organization will submit Accreditation information on schedule, and will soly bear the full responsibilities and consequences as a result of late submission.