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单词 spiritual 例句大全,用单词spiritual造句:

Is there no correlation between our spiritual level and the time we put into spiritual practice?
Of course the most important is the spiritual aspect, i. e. the anointing and the life of a song.
The artistic conception, from its essence, is the spiritual homestead for free life by human beings.
The Master praised his ascetic habit and attributed it to the spiritual disciplines of his past life.
Even though the physical being is gradually decaying, yet the spiritual being is renewed day after day
外体毁坏, 内心日新
There is no spiritual aspiration in the midst of his material, scientific and technological creations.
在他的物质, 科学与技术的创造中, 绝无精神上的热望。
What are the spiritual symbolic meanings of the ark, the table, the candlestick, and the incense altar?
Apostle Paul expresses in 1 Cor 215, 1313 that Spiritual things can only be discerned by Spiritual men.
Spiritual Healing has been moved to Tier Six. Note Improved Smite has been rolled into a Tier Four ability.
Academic discipline is the soul of a university, the spiritual backbone of its subsistence and development.
摘要学风是一所大学的灵魂, 是学校生存与发展的精神支柱。
One who has achieved a state of perfect spiritual enlightenment in accordance with the teachings of Buddha.
This paper is mainly about interior afforest adornment of spiritual aesthetical appreciation and symbolism.
When our spirit gets hurt, we can seek for appropriate spiritual healing, and let the Holy Spirit to heal us.
Recently, she received initiation and finally realized her aspiration to follow Master in spiritual practice.
The Archbishop of Canterbury, leader of the worlds Anglicans , wishes Blair the best in his spiritual journey.
英国国教的领袖, 坎特伯里大主教表示祝福布莱尔。
Deepening Cognition, Standing out Important Point and Creating New Achievement for Spiritual Civilization Again
The life of a spiritual practitioner is fulfilling and interesting, but it is really no fun when ordeals arise!
The New Coordinates of Spiritual Accomplishment of Struggle Unremittingly of Contemporary Communist Party Members
On the recompense responsibility of spiritual injury and reputation right of civil invaded by administrative organ
From lectures to initiations, seeds of love were sown in many souls and their spiritual consciousness was elevated.
A person of faith seeks spiritual strength and fellowship in the association of progressive spiritual practitioners.
An Analysis to the Problems that Criminal Suit with Civil Action Attached are Applicable to Spiritual Loss Compensation
Establish good relationship with local people and actively participate in the local spiritual civilization construction.
Equally humorous was another story dramatization performed by adult initiates, a thief becomes a spiritual practitioner.
His teaching and ideas have spread considerably beyond spiritual life, influencing theater, the visual arts, mental health care, business management, gerontology, and hospice work.
的菩萨精神, 在当时, 在今日, 都是颇受争议和误解的。

单词 spiritual 释义

  • 单词释义:精神上的;宗教上的  [更多..]



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