You're beautiful, you have money than you can spend and you have a husband who adores you.
你天生丽质,家财万贯 丈夫还对你钟情有加。
Worthiness you spend just a nickel when having a shit in a charged toilet of a tourist resort.
His father actor Lloyd Bridgeswho spend, whose career spanned 60 years and more than 100 films.
Is it enough to spend a certain quantity of hours in front of the PC to become an Internet addict?
If you travel frequently, spend the money it takes to hire the very best administrative assistant.
The five years they spend in VSMS is the key period for them to transfer from adolescence to adulthood.
The other is to spend on the investment of marketing value appropriation like advertising and promotion.
二是行销价值专属化活动, 以广告促销活动支出为代表。
For simplicity sake, you need not spend effort to ascertain the accounting date of the nonresident person.
为方便起见, 你毋须查明非居港人士的结帐日期。
To acquire wealth is difficult, to preserve it more difficult, But to spend it wisely most difficult of all.
Accordingly, spend half month again, door people meeting in succession shipment, shrimp price still can drop.
因此, 再过半个月, 养殖户们会纷纷出货, 虾价还会下跌。
The Qiao son really thinks cachinnation, although she is terrified to horrify this to adopt to spend a thief.
A pup needs to spend time with other pups and adult dogs to learn dog language and canine social interaction.
Ellen was on leave, so she invited Ivan to spend time outdoors. Ivan accepted Ellens invitation with alacrity.
埃伦休假了, 因此约伊凡出去玩, 伊凡欣然答应了。
Ancylostostomiasis patient, can have spend grow in quantity of cell of acerbity bead of be addicted to gently.
Although arrive now, I still hope you do not want the heart with Lilliputian to spend the abdomen of gentleman.
Spend a year of plenty the way you spend a year of want and remind yourself of famine even when the barn is full.
Spend a year of plenty the way you spend a year of want, and remind yourself of famine even when the barn is full.
丰年要当欠年过, 有粮常想无粮时。
Spend time shopping for the right mattress and pillow, and adjust your thermostat to the best temperature for you.
The need for advertisers to improve the effectiveness and measurability of their advertising spend will become more acute.
The home that did not individualize resides adornment, no matter spend how many money, also be insipid domestic adornment.
You spend days and nights with your wife, you spend money on your ladylove, you spend some time to talk with your confidant.
妻子陪你过日子, 情人陪你花钞票, 红颜知己陪你聊聊天。
To develop advanced science and technology we have to spend a certain amount of money. We should spend it where it is needed.
It comes as no surprise that e-mail is the No. 1 thing people do on the Net, accounting for 83% of the time people spend on the Web.
By this time, however, his newly acquired concubine, Chiu, on whom he doted, began to spend his money for him with remarkable liberality.
All of these kids had to be around 35% above the World Health Organization's mean recommended weight to be accepted and chose to spend their summer vacations this way.