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单词 sparkle 例句大全,用单词sparkle造句:

I work to always sparkle shrink, how can forge refine Where is my courage?
Let dry and then add a coat of green glitter paint to give it extra sparkle.
Take advantage of precious opportunities while they still sparkle before you.
Running water splashes sparkle droplets, and trickles areas beautiful as silk
流水琼珠闪闪, 束束细流像美丽的素绢
Running water splashes sparkle droplets, and trickles areas beautiful as silk.
The sparkle and zest of carbonated beverages stems from the carbon dioxide gas.
Strung on a coat of mail, they sparkle in a dramatic gradation of winter tones.
It will definitely add sparkle to fashion forward wardrobes, Ms Rosella promised.
Raw celery has a slight sparkle, a zingy taste that you dont get in cooked celery.
The sun is dancing upon the waves, making them sparkle with thousands of diamonds.
阳光在波浪上闪烁, 使浪花象成千上万颗发光的宝石。
Well then, let the love sparkle burning into the Milky Way in the beautiful season.
Hanging elegantly on a white satin ribbon, it adds a timeless sparkle to your tree.
Put the sparkle back in your glassware by adding vinegar to your rinse water or dishwater.
A cluster of brilliant diamonds sparkle at the center of a swirl and high polished platinum.
The animated surface scene will include foam, sparkle, crest splashing and a cloud filled sky.
So you can also get the diamond rays sparkle over you and on others by having diamond jewelry.
With a whirl of skirts and with the brilliant sparkle still in her eyes, she ran out of the door.
Additionally, offers from the media, in publishing or broadcasting, will sparkle brightly for you.
此外, 提供从媒体出版或广播, 将闪耀光芒的你。
Works Connection is responsible for making this gem sparkle with an assortment of anodized tidbits.
The bright orange theaflavins give sparkle to tea and the rusty brown thearubigins depth to the color.
鲜橙色的茶黄素使茶色艳丽, 而锈棕色的茶红素使茶色加深。
Are you still able to picture the beautiful fireflies being able to sparkle under the dark starry night
The sparkle gap is comprised of a pair of spheroidal graphite electrode with the feature of adjusting easily.
火花间隙由一对石墨球面电极组成, 石墨电极调节灵活。
Her expressive large eyes always sparkle with happiness and excitement. She has a regular set of white teeth.
And little bit of sparkle can be added with sequins and beads to create fashions that pay attention to detail.
也可用亮片和圆珠添加光彩, 创造留意细节的时尚。
But even if it does reach its target of 1m carats a year, Petra will still not be able to match the sparkle of the giants.

单词 sparkle 释义

  • 单词释义:闪耀,闪烁;活跃,焕发活力和才智  [更多..]



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