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单词 sparing 例句大全,用单词sparing造句:

The mistakes must be exposed without sparing anyone's sensibilities.
对错误一定要揭发, 不讲情面。
The state media recorded the calamity in dutiful but sparing dispatches.
All day long he craves for more, but the righteous give without sparing.
有终日贪得无厌的, 义人施舍而不吝惜。
He was sparing both with budgets and with film, and compulsively private.
It is sin that called forth the wonderful love of God in not sparing His Son.
Autophagy kills by degrading those other organelles while sparing the nucleus.
In his writing, Lu Xun was never sparing in his criticism of the reactionaries.
Group II Thank you all for sparing the time to participate in my adult ceremony.
Design and application of the latissimus dorsi perforator based muscle sparing flap
They lived with a sparing hand, and usually had a frugal supper of bread and cheese.
他们生活简朴, 通常晚餐只吃少量的面包和奶酪。
Clinical analysis of nephron sparing surgery for renal cell carcinoma in the elderly
Well, I told him he could skip that part if he wanted, dad, I though I was sparing him.
我的意思是让他避开那个话题。爸爸, 我是真的想帮他。
They fumigated infected burrows with insecticide, killing the fleas but sparing the gerbils.
他们将杀虫剂喷入沙鼠的洞穴, 只杀死跳蚤。
What is the advantage of a thoracoscopic lobectomy over a muscle sparing thoracotomy procedure
Although she has become a celebrity, she still maintains an extremely frugal and sparing life.
We are sparing no effort to build up a large turnover so as to qualify for sole agent appointment.
Objective To assess the effectiveness of nephron sparing surgery for the treatment of renal cell carcinoma.

单词 sparing 释义

  • 单词释义:节约的;贫乏的;仁慈的  [更多..]



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