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单词 spoil 例句大全,用单词spoil造句:

They had broadcast calls for voters to spoil their ballot papers.
David was surprised, but Joe's absence did not spoil his pleasure.
大卫感到奇怪, 但乔不在家倒也并未使他扫兴。
Just a bit of a mouse's dropping will spoil a whole saucepan of broth.
But all the cattle and the spoil of the cities we took as our plunder.
But Mr Obama was anxious not to let the FrancoGerman duo spoil the party.
And they took all the spoil, and all the prey, both of men and of beasts.
把一切所夺得, 所掳得, 连人带牲畜都带了去,
Those who throw away garbage in natural sites spoil the beauty of nature.
No entity or individual may encroach or spoil aquatic germ plasm resources.
Kings of armies did flee apace and she that tarried at home divided the spoil.
统兵得君王逃跑了, 逃跑了。在家等候得妇女, 分受所夺得。
Pumping the spoil ashore with the ship's own pumps through a reclamation pipe.
Don't after to the child too separately, otherwise you will spoil badly their.
Gray correlation analysis to effect of coal spoil admixture on standard density
Defaced defacing defaces To mar or spoil the appearance or surface of disfigure.
I wouldn't want to spoil my appetite for whatever goodies you have ordered for us!
For the LORD will plead their cause, and spoil the soul of those that spoiled them.
And Chaldea shall be a spoil all that spoil her shall be satisfied, saith the LORD.
The count would have taken leave, but Ellen besought him not to spoil her improvised ball.
They are in high mood, and have no desire to see anybody spoil the atmosphere of the party.
他们的情绪十分高涨, 不愿意看到有人破环聚会的气氛。
Several ways can be adopted to excite the activation of coal spoil used as cement additives.
They are in a high mood and have no desire to see anybody spoil the atmosphere of the party.
他们的情绪十分高涨, 不愿意看到有人破坏聚会气氛。
This is the portion of those who plunder us, And the allotment of those who take us as spoil.
这是掳掠我们之人所得的份, 是抢夺我们之人的天命。
The chairman is prejudiced against you, and if you put in your oar, it will spoil everything.
主任对你怀有偏见, 如果你进行干涉, 会把一切弄糟的。
Colonization of a calcareous stripmine spoil by earthworms promoted incorporation of organic matter.
在石灰质露天矿引入蚯蚓, 则促进有机物的结合。
One should pay attention to the ways of morally educating the next generation and should not spoil them.
Spoil usually refers to the process by which perishable substances, especially food, become unfit for use or consumption Spoil

单词 spoil 释义

  • 单词释义:弄糟;溺爱;犒赏;善待;(食物)变坏;使(选票)无效  [更多..]



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