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单词 spear 例句大全,用单词spear造句:

Keesh moved carefully up to the bear and pushed his father's spear into it.
季奚小心地靠近熊, 拿着他父亲用过的长矛向熊刺去。
Come on, everybody! Come here and have a look at my amazing spear and shield.
This one radiant clash of shield and spear, sword and bone and flesh and blood.
These tribesmen are equipped with a spear, shield and wear little to no armour.
这些部落战士通常不穿盔甲, 使用长矛和盾牌作战。
These veteran warriors wear light armour and are armed with a spear and a sword.
骑马军士身穿轻甲, 手持长矛和利剑。
I mean, look. This animal is trying to fight back this spear from this soldier.
to make spear and shield and sword. as much a part of me as my own beating heart.
让刀枪盾牌, 和我跳动的心脏一样成为我身上的一部分
Wearing good armour and equipped with a spear, able to a defensive ring of spears.
A new way is through the setting up of spear corps under the peasant associations.
建设农民武装另有一个新的方面, 即农会的梭镖队。
He brandished his spear against three hundred, whom he slew in a single encounter.
He played with a short spear on stage, which won the audience's prolonged applause.
Born in the United Kingdom Weiershimo spear gun Teleilaike an Andean aristocratic family.
A soldier dons helmet and armour, takes up spear and shield, and rushes gladly into battle.
On one silver plate, King Yazdegerd I I, haloed and beribboned, impalesa stag with his spear.
一个银盘上, 国王伊嗣埃一世光环罩顶, 身披缎带, 以矛刺鹿。
Special forces, the tip of the spear in fighting terrorists, will also get a boost in numbers.
Be careful not to brace with your palms at any point of this drill, but spear with the fingertips.
Effective gunpowder units, Reiters are armed with a pistol and spear and protected by plate armour.
黑衫骑士装备火枪和长矛, 身穿板甲, 是出色得火枪骑兵。
These troops are armed with a short spear and shield and are known for their determination in battle.
a long rod or pole,especially the handle of an implement or the body of a weapon like a spear or arrow
And David answered and said, Behold the kings spear! And let one of the young men come over and fetch it.
Fierce Welsh mercenaries, who fight unarmoured, equipped a spear and capable ofa defensive ring of spears.
The children of Judah that bare shield and spear were six thousand and eight hundred, ready armed to the war.
the sampling port of the sampling bucket is interferentially connected with the airout end of the sampling spear.
采样枪为管形, 一端为出气端, 另一端为吸气端。
When fighting on foot they choose to wield a long spear and equip themselves with their traditional lamellar armour.
步下作战时, 这些枪骑兵通常身穿传统鳞甲, 使用长矛厮杀。
Regular troops comprised of free men, equipped with some armour and a spear, able to form a defensive ring of spears.
长矛兵出身自由民, 装备长矛和盔甲, 能够以圆阵拒敌。

单词 spear 释义

  • 单词释义:矛;枪;(某些植物的)嫩枝;貌,标枪  [更多..]



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