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单词 species 例句大全,用单词species造句:

what s more, the ovule abortive events of the two species is evident, which may be one of the threatening factors.
There are abundant wild flower plant resources of Liliaceae in Henan Province, belonging to61 species and16 genera.
abstract Reactive oxygen species is the normal metabolic products of organism, but the existing of it has two sides.
活性氧是机体正常的代谢产物, 但其存在具有两面性。
Environmental gradient analysis and species group division of tree species distribution in eastern Zhongtiao Mountain.
Imitating objects to compare species and reasoning of species to link their similarities are the two basic means of it.
Effects of temperature, illumination and salinity on astaxanthin accumulation in Haematococcus pluvialis aberrant species
Abnormal phenomena in the process of reproduction of Magnolia biloba causing this species to be endangered was discussed.
Objective To establish ultraviolet absorption spectra lines group method for distinguishing Jinniukou and similar species.
Among tham, 7 species is belonged to Rodenria, and Carnivora, Chiroptera and Insectivora only have 1 species respectively.
其中食虫目1种 翼手目1种 食肉目1种啮齿目7种。
6 species belong to Palaearctic realm, 3 species belong to Oriental, and 7 species belong to widespread between two realm.
Among them,41 species belong to Oriental Realm,10 species belonging to the widespread, without any species of Palaearctic.
The effects of topographical factors on the dominance of Chinesefir and its associated tree species vary with tree species.
地形因子对杉木及其伴生树种的影响, 因树种而异。
Primary Research on Species Diversity and Niche Characteristics of Dominant arbor species in Osmanthus serrulatus Community
Study on the Distribution Pattern of Arboreal Species Abundance of Mountainous Rain Forest in Dawei Mountains, Yunnan, China
Genetic Diversity Analysis of the Endangered Species Cinnamomun Micranthum Hayata Populations and Its Close Relative Species
Interspecific Relationships among the Herbage Species of Abandoned Farmlands alongside Jinshui River in the Qinling Mountains
Response and Acclimation to Different and Varing Light Environment of Four Tree Species Seedings in Abies Faxoniana Community
This species of coffee plant known as Arabica coffee is the most commonly grown species of coffee grown throughout the world.
A preliminary survey of the phytophagous species of EURYTOMIDAE know from China with descriptions of a new genus and five new species
All of the above species belong to Oriental realm, most of which are distributed in the southwest China, without species of the north.
Approximately 600 species of higher plants and more than 200 species of terrestrial vertebrates are endemic to the QinghaiTibet Plateau.
约有600余种高等植物, 200余种陆栖脊椎动物为青藏高原所特有。
environmental degradation global warming extinction of species Environmental degradation causes global warming and extinction of species.
Three new record genera and species arereported.Cha racters of the three genera and brief descriptions of the three species arepre sented.
Among the106 species,35 species were residents,71 species were migrants which consist of47 winter migrants,15 summer migrants and9 travel birds.
Many species had tomentum and lepidoste usually covering leaves, and some species had devoloped thorny shoots or leaves, so as to adapted to dry habitat.

单词 species 释义

  • 单词释义:物种;种类;类型;[逻辑] 个体  [更多..]



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