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单词 somewhat 例句大全,用单词somewhat造句:

Today spruce and other types of wood remain somewhat popular for aircraft construction.
Here too, the achievements of the Putin era have produced somewhat inflated perceptions.
而在这个领域, 普京时代得成就也有点夸大了。
The economic theory of two parties of afterwar United States and policy differ somewhat.
At this point I should admit that I have presented a somewhat idealized view of the world.
Such analyses are, of course, somewhat tautological, they equate fault and legal liability.
当然, 这种分析有点同意反复, 他们把过错和法律责任等同了。
Filaments equal or unequal in length, somewhat connate at base and adnate to base of petals.
It is somewhat reasonable that the revolution of poetry adopts conservative reform policies.
This is somewhat akin to the American attitude of idealizing movie stars and baseball heroes.
Had the harvest to afterward somewhat the general meeting, you rushed at least have experienced.
到后来多多少少总会有收获, 至少你闯了经历过。
It is somewhat secluded for being in Los Angeles, so you won't have to worry about nosy neighbors.
The myofibers contain abundant sarcosomes that are somewhat smaller than those of myocardial cells.
and has achieved whatever work it was in him to do, the fear of death is somewhat abject and ignoble.
一切能做的都做了, 如果怕死, 就有点儿可怜又可鄙。
The women who are somewhat beautiful, somewhat nice and have some lordliness and thank god are clever.
The accumulative total displacements at the measuring points on the base top and pile top are somewhat high.
Winter in Milwaukee can be best characterized as cold and somewhat dark with extended periods of alcoholism.
这里的冬天可以用寒冷, 有些阴层和长时间的酗酒症来形容。
The Welsh princes had always enjoyed a somewhat ambivalent relationship with their technical Norman overlords.
Directly using this parlance to explain the existence of translation variation is, seemingly, somewhat abstract.
直接把这一观点作为翻译变体存在的理由, 有些抽象。
The adsorption reaction mainly consists of the surface desorption with somewhat replacement reaction accompanied.
吸附反应以表面吸附为主, 伴随少量置换反应。
However, when high speed travel, steering wheel's disatema appears somewhat lets the human adapt with difficulty.
不过, 在高速行驶时, 方向盘的虚位就显得有些让人难以适应。
In addition, the inscription on precipices in Ming dynasty also add somewhat majesty to the ancient shut fortress.
My own views, admittedly somewhat speculative, are that they probably do not consider their actions as reprehensible.
The first was put in the pound, the second was later on somewhat harassed before the councils of war as an accomplice.
车子被没收, 人后来被军事法庭当作同谋犯交付审讯。
Hopefully, the advantage of this pretty verbose representation of the table is that things are somewhat self explanatory.
The upper initial mass function within individual clusters is generally somewhat flatter than for the aggregate population.
Absolutely equal distribution of supplies was demanded, and there was objection to somewhat larger allotments in special cases.
分物品要求极端平均, 不愿意有特别情形的部分多分去一点。

单词 somewhat 释义

  • 单词释义:adv.稍微,有点,有些  [更多..]



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