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单词 something 例句大全,用单词something造句:

a phobia about something/ about doing something
对某事/ 做某事的恐惧症
Something was appeased, and something had died.
有的平息了, 有的就此消逝。
to have a shot at something/ at doing something
尝试某事/ 做某事
to have a try at something, give something a try
We all cherish something, something like freedom.
我们全部珍爱某事, 某事喜欢自由。
to compare somebody/ something with/ to something
将某人/ 某物与某物相比较
to admit to doing something/ having done something
She drank something big and became something small.
to compete with somebody/ something (for something)
与某人/ 某物竞争以得到某物
to be excited about something/ about doing something
对某事/ 做某事感到激动
to be nervous about something/ about doing something
对某事/ 做某事感到紧张不安
to try one's luck (at something/ at doing something)
碰碰某事/ 做某事的运气
to have something in common with somebody/ something
与某人/ 某物有某共同点
to advise somebody against something/ doing something
劝某人不要接受某事/ 做某事
to bring something to an end, put an end to something
Build something or do something that makes you proud.
Sixpence in a shoe, something borrowed, something blue
to sing somebody something, sing something to somebody
to commend somebody for something/ for doing something
表扬某人某事/ 做某事
to be meticulous about something/ about doing something
对某事/ 做某事非常谨慎
to have a preference for something/ for doing something
偏爱某物/ 做某事
to take something into account, take account of something
Something has happened to you. Something had aroused you.
有什么事临到了你得头上, 有些什么事把你打动了。
to perceive somebody/ something as being/ doing something
认为某人/ 某物为/ 做某事
to be conscientious about something/ about doing something
认真地对待某事/ 做某事

单词 something 释义

  • 单词释义:某物,某事;重要的事物[人],有一定意义的事物  [更多..]



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