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单词 space 例句大全,用单词space造句:

Russia has considerable space potential and experience in outer space exploration.
It constitutes floor space of completed housing and floor space of future housing.
In the cylinder this expansion space is provided by the vapor space or head space.
First, Israel retained control of Gaza's air space, sea space and external borders.
Mapping NC code of parallel machine tool from virtual axis space to real axis space
Air is the space around the physicality of the earth element and defines the space.
The Relationship Between International Outer Space Law and Domestic Outer Space Law
It can be deduced that science allows more infinity space free space, etc to exist.
Detail space to millimeter, make full use of each inch of space. elevate space rate.
空间细化到毫米, 充分利用每一寸空间, 有效提高空间利用率。
This space space really has the human of blessing, oneself livings softly if Shih Tzu.
这格格真是有福之人, 自己生得柔若西施。
Outer space law is yet to be established to form the legal base for use of this space.
外层空间法尚有待制定, 以便构成使用这种空间的法律基础。
And Sergie Avdeyev accumulated 747.6 days in space in three trips to the space station.
symplectic space and Euclidean space are the internal spaces of bogus symplectic space.
This extends the concept of space and natural space feel contradictions space feelings.
You have to allocate space for each stack and move the appropriate values to that space.
And there of course is the space that we need to breathe, is the space we need to dream.
我们在那里可以呼吸 可以梦想
When the new space runs out of free memory, the garbage is collected only in that space.
当新空间耗尽空闲内存时, 将仅在该空间中进行垃圾收集。
I hope visual space created on the canvas is the representation of an ideal mental space.
我著迷于造景, 并期望画面上呈现的是理想的心灵空间。
This elevation was ornamented from space to space with huge grotesque figures of animals.
The concept of universal space is space for architecture only but a personal space within.
所谓的空间波诺敢不仅仅是对建筑而言, 而是人性的空间。
Its space data management adopts map layer as the basic unit to interview space information.
The difference between finite dimensional linear space and infinite dimensional linear space
Exploration research on time and space idea of four dimensional space in exhibition building
The differences between objective space properties and image space properties are discussed.
Wants to roam through the space, certainly must understand in the space the boarding condition.
想遨游太空, 一定要了解太空上的膳宿条件。

单词 space 释义



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