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单词 spleen 例句大全,用单词spleen造句:

To warm and invigorate the spleen and the stomach, and relieve pain.
Treatment for Ascites due to Cirrhosis from the Spleen Point of View
Weigh the weight of the mice, spleen and calculate the spleen index.
the pathogen in the spleen affecting the upper portions of two thighs
脾有邪, 其气留于两髀
Anger is generally associated with the liver, gallbladder and spleen.
恼怒通常而言与肝脏, 胆囊和脾脏有关。
When I get frustrated and angry, I have to vent my spleen on someone.
我受尽挫折, 怒火冲天时, 禁不住想找谁发一顿脾气。
The thymus gland , spleen , lymphatic gland develop to wait abnormally.
胸腺, 脾, 淋巴腺发育不正常等。
For enlarged spleen, add white peony root to purge wood from the earth.
Echocardiography found vegetations in 6 cases, spleen abscess in 1 case.
When I get so frustrated and angry, I have to vent my spleen on someone.
The more adult writers do not indulge in such wanton exhibitions of spleen.
Aim To explore clinical diagnosis and treatment of delayed rupture of spleen.
The spleen is a blood filled organ located in the upper left abdominal cavity.
Trying to analyze that Spleen and stomach trouble should be treated from liver
Seen here is the small remnant of spleen in a patient with sickle cell anemia.
Differentiation of Vertigo from Aspects of the Heart, Spleen, Liver and Kidney
Treatment of Hypertension from Dampness Accumulation and Spleen Insulting Liver
从湿浊内结, 土湿侮木辨治高血压病
Splenectomy might only appropriate for patients with direct invasion of the spleen.
This condition is affecting your Spleen, causing your muscle atrophy and flaccidity.
这种情况是影响你的脾脏, 造成肌肉萎缩和松弛。
Effect of Mica Powder on Amylase and Xylose in Rats of Diarrhea and Spleen Deficiency
云母粉对脾虚泄泻大鼠淀粉酶, 木糖的影响
This soup appetizer spleen, blood and beauty, sweet soups, can be a Zuoshan drinking.
此汤健脾开胃, 补血养颜, 汤水鲜甜, 可一家佐膳饮用。
Briefly on application of strengthening the spleen method in department of gynecology
It is ultimately washed ashore in the spleen, the junkyard of the circulatory system.
最后,它被冲到循环系统的废弃物堆积场 脾脏。
The key pathogenesis is accumulation of heat toxin and damage to the liver and spleen.
病机关键为热毒瘀结, 肝脾损伤。
The left renal vein was anastomosed to distal spleen vein on the benching of the graft.

单词 spleen 释义



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