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单词 spine 例句大全,用单词spine造句:

Bauer moved backward, dragging Arete with him, until his spine touched the walls of the pressurized cabin.
Clinical Observations of Combined with Acupuncture and Tuina Treatment in Enuresis of Recessive Bifid Spine.
Rigidly locked hooks in a claw arrangement in the thoracic spine can be combined with lumbar pedicle screws.
Pay closer attention to certain aspects of your health, mainly issues concerning your heart, back and spine.
Operating treatment for fracture and dislocation of lower cervical spine with articular process interlocking.
Observations on the Suprameatal Spine and the Anterosuperior Spine of External Auditory Canal of Chinese Crania
Study Design. This experimental study analyzed the movements of the lumbar spine and hip while putting on a sock.
Applied Anatomy of Transposition of the Vascularized Spine of Scapula Flap with Acromial Branch of Suprascapular Artery
Tail band An ornamental piece of cotton or silk material attached to the foot of the spine of a bookblock. See Headband.
Drapes for the spine are applied in a manner similar to that for abdominal operations and require no special description.
脊柱的铺单技术与腹部手术相似, 因此无需特殊描述。
Treatment of 95 Patients with Fasciitis of Posterior Superior Iliac Spine by Scalpel Acupuncture Combined with Hyaluronidase
Applied anatomy of spine scapula flap with the superficial branch of transverse cervical artery for occipito cervical fusion
The erector spine muscles run the length of the spine and the quadratus lumborum connects the back pelvis rib cage and spine.
Effect observation of the application of approved arc bracket for prone position in operation for patients with spine disease.
The site of the anterior superior iliac spine osteotomy is repaired with non absorbable suture through drillholes in the ilium.
Applied anatomy on transposition of the vascularized spine of scapula flap pedicled with acromial branch of suprascapular artery
The erector spine, running along the length of the spine are active, with the upper side turning the trunk slightly upwards.
Prevention injury of the sympathetic trunk in anterior and antelateral approach of lower cervical spine an applied anatomical study
Backing Marking of the shoulder or joint on the spine of a hard cover book into which the cover boards will fit after back rounding.
Sensors were attached to the skin, with adhesive tape, over the greater trochanter and the anterior superior iliac spine bilaterally.
Influence of Acupuncture Plus Huatuo Medicinal Pillow on the Physiologic Curvature of Cervical Spine in Cervical Spondylosis Patients.
Modification of an adjustable artificial vertebral body and its application in the treatment of tuberculosis of the thoracic and lumbar spine
In one, doctors restore motor activity to the limb with medication continuously delivered through a pump placed under the skin near the spine.
This is a very strong and thick fascia, which extends anterolaterally from the lumbar spine. There are three distinct layers of the lumbodorsal fascia.
Anatomical study and clinical significance of relation between the superior margin of spinous processes root and vertebral pedicle in thoracic and lumbar spine

单词 spine 释义

  • 单词释义:脊柱;脊椎;(动植物的)刺;书脊  [更多..]



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