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单词 spider 例句大全,用单词spider造句:

He breathlessly watched the spider attempt to spin its web for the third time.
Lima beans. You know what a lima bean does when it's attacked by spider mites?
This pic of Spider Web Lacing on some military boots came from Big Booted Dog.
It's a small bump on the center of the spider's back in the color photo above.
Some species of spider weave a broad band of silk across the middle of their web.
There is a spider web tattoo on one of his hands in which he is concealing a blade.
Patches laced with dynamite are used to treat the bite of the brown recluse spider.
胶布加上火药可以 用来治疗褐色蜘蛛的咬伤
Jean sent me to your beautiful spider web shot, flees, and I agree it's very lovely.
让寄给我, 你美丽蜘蛛网开枪, 逃离, 我同意这是非常非常漂亮。
The spider was encased in volcanic ash at the bottom of what would have been a lake.
The solid billet could also be used with a spider die, porthole die or bridge die.
In Nadine shah, however, they claim to have an artifact of the Spider Goddess herself.
I assume this came from the scratched outer plastic tub when the spider assembly broke.
He didn't know there was a spider in the arm of his shirt until he put his hand into it.
They cover everything from bug eyes and spider fur to starfish embryos and mouse neurons.
In the insect pest of balsamine, the mainest is mite, the red spider that often says namely.
The main components of a spider cardan joint include the spider, yokes and quill bearings, etc.
其主要部件包括十字轴 万向节叉以及滚针轴承等。
The Green Link spider has a similar ploy, waiting in the blossoms of flowers to ambush its prey.
Preliminary research on soil spider community in the forests of Jiuhua mountains, Anhui Province
PHB, spider silk protein which are biodegradable have good prospects of application in many fields.
Analysis on Breaking Out of Leaf Spider Mite in Mulberry Field Induced by Excessive Using Pesticide
Women hate bugs. Even the strong willed ones need a manaroundwhen theres a spider or a wasp involved.
A wraparound spider has a broad abdomen which is so flattened that the spider can wrap itself around a twig.
The artist imbues DaDi with personality that makes him a fun loving, outgoing spider who loves to flirt around.
他们会对观众眨眼睛, 作鬼脸, 装无辜, 企图引起大家的注意。
The mechanism structure of the spider claw is complicate and easily worn, but it has an accurate location advantage.
Survival and development of the wolf spider Alopecosa pulverulenta feeding on cotton aphid Aphis gossypii propagated on transgenic cotton

单词 spider 释义

  • 单词释义:蜘蛛;星形轮,十字叉;带柄三脚平底锅;三脚架  [更多..]



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