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单词 speculative 例句大全,用单词speculative造句:

Relatively low rent has impeded the convert from speculative housing into investment housing.
But most of the fans are too young to understand the profound meaning of speculative fiction.
Speculative Turning Sentence of the Works Written by Sichuan's Authors in Whole Poetry of Song
Respecting international speculative capital, I must illuminate the definition of speculation.
We should keep on developing our ability to think logically and exercise speculative thinking.
我们要不断地培养自己的思辨能力, 锻炼思辨性思维。
Its speculative too sure that money is too aggressive, can not but make people flinch, dust.
Financial globalization provides speculative basis and space for international floating capital.
In response, organizers of the Beijing Games said speculative reselling was a breach of the law.
Interpretations based on the possible existence of a dendritic pattern are somewhat speculative.
The speculative merchant exercises no one regular, established, or wellknown branch of business.
投机商人, 并不是经营正常的, 确定的和为人所周知的业务。
The Speculative Relationship Between The Substantiality And Virtuality In The Architecture Creation
The oil price under this background flushes high, was considered that is short and fills speculative.
在此背景下的油价冲高, 被认为是短暂的和充满投机性的。
These projections are speculative, however, and tendto underestimate the dynamism of the environment.
然而这些理论仅是理论, 并且往往低估了环境自身的力量。
The Attitude to Hegel's Speculative Philosophy Is the Prime of Feuerbach's Thinking of the Early Stage
European economic officials achieved some success in quelling the speculative chaos unloosed last week.
If speculative philosophy refused to admit this maxim, it can only have done so from a misunderstanding.
On the other side of the fence are the guys in sales and marketingaggressive, speculative, and optimistic.
These laboratory feats make talk of sugar cube-size computers less speculative than it was a few years ago.
Denmark was forced to use high interest rates to defend its currency, the krone, against speculative attack.
If the price of some asset is soaring according to expectation, speculative capital is immediately magnetized.
在某种资产价格被预期将上涨时, 就会吸引这些投机资本。
Moodys then has three nonPrime or speculative grade ratings, divided again into 11 subsidiary levels, from Ba1 to C.
My own views, admittedly somewhat speculative, are that they probably do not consider their actions as reprehensible.
The speculative philosophy of Hegel has been formed in the context of the dialogue between various philosophical theories.
Speculative theology is not the same as philosophy of religion, or is it identical with theology in the sense of dogmatics.
思辨神学不同于宗教哲学, 也不同于教理神学意义上的神学。
You have to recover the original intention of the situation because it is tremendous volatility and speculative arbitrage opportunities.

单词 speculative 释义

  • 单词释义:投机的;思考的;推理的,揣摩的  [更多..]



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