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单词 teller 例句大全,用单词teller造句:

The Gypsy fortune teller offers to refund your money when she sees your future.
The fortune teller told Jane there was good luck for her just around the corner.
I am Chinese, 1987,on February 23, please born noon fortune teller measure once!
Teller, female, technical college above school record, one year work experience.
Relax, the fortune teller said you're going to die from an accident, not a disease.
别担心啦, 萛命的说过你不会病死的。你会死于非命。
The fortune teller told Jane that there was an adventure for her just round the corner.
算命先生告诉简说, 她就会有奇遇。
The fortune teller told Jane that there was an adventure for her just around the corner.
You yourself are able to infer your destiny without seeking help from the future teller.
你必须能自行推断命运的好歹, 而不需算命师。
He had been making this wish daily from the time he had started work as a teller at the bank.
The tech angst of many people makes them reluctant to put their trust in automated teller machines.
许多人有技术顾虑, 因而不愿使用自动提款机。
He was just unlucky for a while, but the fortune-teller said that there was some ghost haunting him.
I really want to know when I will get married. Will it be an arranged or a love marriage? Should I go see a fortune teller or psychic tomorrow?
OK...Here is your account book. Please bring it back when you deposit or withdraw money using a teller. Keep it safe and inform us if you lose it.
The fortune-teller said that the space between his eyebrows appeared black, and that he would have a big disaster; however, he didn't believe that at all.
Then, while everyone watched Bank Robber A, Bank Teller B calmly lifted off the top section of the cashbox and slipped bills from the bottom section into his pockets.

单词 teller 释义

  • 单词释义:出纳员;叙述者;银行柜员机;计票人  [更多..]



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