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单词 tapering 例句大全,用单词tapering造句:

Marine fishes having a tapering body with an armored head and venomous spines.
lemmas 3veined, gradually tapering to an entire apex continuing into a slender awn.
逐渐, 3脉的外稃渐狭兑一全缘先端继续纤细的成为一。
I haven't stopped smoking entirely, but I'm tapering off to three cigarettes a day.
The muzzle is of medium width, tapering nose, with the tip neither pointed nor square.
口鼻的宽度适中, 逐渐变细, 末端既不尖也不方。
The long tapering process of the malleus attached to the central portion of the eardrum.
The tail long and tapering, reaching to the hipbone when drawn through between the hind legs.
snout short and bluntly pointed. Body elongated, tapering abruptly from the first dorsalfin base.
The utility model relates to a grooving and a tapering die sets for slit steel tube friction anchor rod.
a conical calcareous fossil tapering to a point at one end and with a conical cavity at the other end containing a small chambered phragmocone from the shell of any of numerous extinct cephalopods of the family Belemnitidae

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