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单词 taxing 例句大全,用单词taxing造句:

However, there is only one taxing authority in the Territory, the Government of Guam.
但是, 领土只有一个征税当局, 即关岛政府。
On the Legal Theoretical Foundation of the Principle of Taxing in Accordance with Statute
Now, with marijuana, that obviously means legally regulating and, taxing it like alcohol.
现在,大麻显然意味着 像酒精般依法规范和征税。
The government expends so much effort taxing good things, such as saving and spending money.
Moreover, spending and taxing policies work together to increase or decrease aggregate demand.
A Study of the Salt Taxing System by the Centralization of State Power in Early Republic of China
The analysis of the differences among the taxing operations on the enterprise equivalent sales activity
The Fiscal and Taxing Policy Choice for Facilitating the Sustainable Development of Ecological Environment
Beneath the surface of prosperity, there are insidious threats which are taxing our courage and determination.
Trying to meet a target set by one of those European directives, it discourages landfilling by taxing it heavily.
为了满足欧洲规定的目标, 对垃圾填埋课以重税。
On Improving the Individual Income Tax in China from the point of view of the Concepts and Systems of Taxing of the Western Countries and China

单词 taxing 释义

  • 单词释义:adj.繁重的,费力的  [更多..]



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