Part of the anterior aspect of the origin of the tensor fascia is subperiosteally stripped from the ilium.
We have found that this dipole is directly related to the antisymmetric components of the spin current tensor.
研究发现, 该电偶极矩与自旋流张量的反对称部分直接相关。
Then we use the expressions to the calculation of the axial vector, vector and tensor vacuum susceptibilities.
Clinical research on the lumbocrural pain caused by the injury of tensor fasciae latae treated by manipulation
Treatment of Abnormal Patency of Eustachian Tube with Shunt Operation of the Tensor Veli Palatini Muscle Tendon
The superficial and deep fascia over the sartorius muscle are divided, medial to the tensor fascia lata muscle.
Primary Research on Abnormal Waterhead Phenomenon in Fracture Seepage Finite Element Method Based on Permeability Tensor
The polarization tensor is calculated with the random phase approximation in the framework of finite temperature field theory.
在有限温度场论下, 首先用无规相近似方法计算出极化张量。
Thereinto, the problem of matching feature points and feature lines introduce the trifocal tensor as the constraint condition.
Management of Recalcitrant Tennis Elbow by Release of the Common Ex tensor Origin through Small Lateral Incisions of the Elbow
An Analysis to the Strain Tensor of Osteoblasts Spreading on Substrate in Both Uniaxial and Biaxial Tensile Loading Experiments
Two patients with abnormal patency of eustachian tube were treated with shunt operation of the tensor veli palatini muscle tendon.
The discussion has served to emphasize the important role the inertia tensor plays in the discussion of the motion of rigid bodies.
Inversion for Permeability Tensor of Fractured Rock Body Based on Genetic Algorithm in Highslop of Longtan Hydraulic Power Station.