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单词 tail 例句大全,用单词tail造句:

One year after the gradual production helicopter tail, fuselage, seats and other accessories.
一年后逐步生产直升机尾翼, 机身, 座椅等配件。
In addition to polishing window tint film, it works well on tail lights and headlight covers.
此外, 还能够抛光车头及车尾灯罩。
Larvae dark gray color, green or weak stomach abdomen only with three and a pair of tail foot.
幼虫深灰绿或淡青色, 腹部仅有腹足三对及尾足一对。
Buffeting is caused due to the periodic pressure fluctuation acting on the surface of the tail.
small woodpeckers of South America and Africa and East Indies having soft rounded tail feathers
Cipher Neo, there is an agent on your tail, you need to do as exactly as i say, you understand.
Wish to buy auto parts and accessories for Subaru WRX 2. 0 Turbo MY 2003 to 2005 2. tail lights.
Objective Discusses feasibility which around the tail an abscess line of issue of appendix excises.
Herpestes javanicus is a small, agile creature with a slender body, short legs and a muscular tail.
红颊獴拥有细长的身体, 短腿和肌肉发达的尾巴。
The Relationship between the Tail Morphology of Adult Female Bursaphelenchus xylophilus and Its Host
The conventional tail must be at a negative angle of attack, and the Canard tail at a positive angle.
Tropical New World lizard with a long tail and large rectangular scales on the belly and a long tail.
The rattlesnake swiftly vibrated and shook its tail. There is nothing as eloquent as a rattlesnake's tail.
liver is the main target organ after tail intravenous administration and provides long expression duration.
The yawing can apparently attenuate the angular displacement of both the tail and the attack angle of tail fin.
The tumor was found at autopsy to invade the tail of the pancreas, left kidney, transverse colon, and abdominal wall.
After the activated carbon adsorbing VCM from rectified tail gas, the composition of this desorbed gas was introduced.
介绍了精馏尾气经活性炭吸附氯乙烯后, 解吸气体的组分。
While traversing with the outside ski actively tracking across the slope, move the tail of your inside ski up the hill.
Tail Boom Brace Terminal Completely captured for dramatically improved rigidity and firmer support of the tail boom pipe.
any of various chiefly arboreal African monkeys,primarily of the genus Cercopithecus,having long hind legs and a long tail
The afterbody form finalizing sheet is in an arc shape, the tail part raises upwards to assist the airfoil to be the arc.
Any of various chiefly arboreal African monkeys, primarily of the genus Cercopithecus, having long hind legs and a long tail.
Improvement of Test Method for Sulfuric Acid Fume in Tail Gas of Acid Hydrolysis during Production of Sulfate Process Titanium Dioxide
Use your hands to spread the back pelvis and lengthen it down through your tail bone. Then lightly firm the tail forward, toward the pubis.
Any of several small arboreal, mostly nocturnal primates chiefly of the family Lemuridae of Madagascar and adjacent islands, having large eyes, a long slim muzzle, and a long tail.

单词 tail 释义

  • 单词释义:尾;尾部;燕尾服;尾随者  [更多..]



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