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单词 tall 例句大全,用单词tall造句:

He was a tall German who spoke perfect English with only a slight trace of accent.
Experimental Study on Aerodynamic Damping of Tall Buildings after Being Interfered
Of that summer afternoon, I take you to walk into the green curtain of tall crops.
In addition, the tall blue chips pushed the index can play skillfully deflected role.
另外, 推高大蓝筹能对指数起着四两拨千斤的作用。
Of the price tall, pace of cowardly of your ordinary person, also afford even author.
价格之高, 令常人怯步, 连作者本人也买不起了。
At nearly four feet tall, it's the largest, most aggressive vulture on the Serengeti.
The pine trees were so tall and grew so close together, that they shut out the light.
The black nature product that Hei Tianyu rice is tall nutrition, high additional cost.
Alcoholic liquor mixed with water or a carbonated beverage and served in a tall glass.
Key Technical Issues in Project Design of Tall Earth Fill under Abominable Surroundings
False Tall mixed drinks are more highly diluted and therefore lower in alcohol potency.
错混合饮料由于被稀释, 因此酒精的浓度更低。
There are many ways of getting the height of a tall building with the aid of a barometer.
Girls should be tall and perfectly skinny and boys should be tall and extremely muscular.
A fireman had placed his back against a tall chimney, and seemed to be acting as sentinel.
But then, forseti's pretty tall, too, so nb's actual height is still up to interpretation.
I am achieving tall purity not to have angst condition hard, impregnable fortress, achillean.
我正努力达到高纯度无焦虑状态, 铜墙铁壁, 刀枪不入。
Its total adipose content is low, but what not saturated acid holds proportion very tall however.
其总脂肪含量低, 但不饱和脂肪酸所占比例却很高。
Galbraith, the tall, iconoclastic economist, diplomat and adviser to Democrat leaders from John F.
他身材高大, 并不是人们一般印象中的经济学家。
Steel structural system tall building will be a main direction of tall building developing in China.
Additional, the upper of sandal had better not tall not low, it is a standard with squeezing anklebone.
Additional, the upper of sandal had better not tall not low, it is a standard with blocking anklebone. 1.
Rather the sun once connects the agreeable son carries of tea ugg tall drinks, superficial drank one one morsel.
宁阳接过良儿端来的茶水, 浅浅喝了一口。
Achieve starting point tall, agriculture produces an environment to get ameliorative, develop aftereffect escalate.
He was tall, dark and handsome - every the classic air ace. There was something strangely comforting in the validation of a preconceived stereotype.
It's interesting that people say Michael is short yet the public perceive actors like Tom Cruise and Mel Gibson as being tall, which isn't the case.

单词 tall 释义

  • 单词释义:身材高的,高大的;(数量)大的;(俚)过分的,夸张的  [更多..]



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