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单词 taking 例句大全,用单词taking造句:

According to the investigation, suspect Chen Mou is the taking drugs personnel.
据调查, 犯罪嫌疑人陈某是吸毒人员。
Aaron and I couldn't even go out to dinner without people taking pictures of us.
Keas users then receive points for accomplishing goals and taking health quizes.
Taking the advantage of young, we must work hard and acquire greater know ledge.
趁着现在还年轻, 我们必须刻苦学习, 获得更多的知识。
Vannessa tries to improve her acting skills by taking theatre classes regurarly.
people taking over land, taking over roofs, turning barges into temporary farms.
人们借用土地,借用房顶 把游艇变作临时农场。
The girl student is inelegant 2,is worth taking a look on according to three two.
Increasing Multiple Cropping Acreage and Taking Advantage of Double Cropping Rice
and as for taking his arm, I should as soon think of taking the arm of an elmtree.
要去挽他的手臂, 让我不由会想到我是挽着一根榆树枝。
Accordingly, when taking the advantage of young, health, buy the most advantageous.
因此, 趁年轻, 健康时购买最有利。
However, the method of taking drugs which is accepted by many athletes in doubtable.
然而, 仍有许多运动员对服用药物这种方法莫衷一是。
Our people understand the significance of taking the general situation into account.
Original acquisition comprises making things, taking possession of ownerless things.
原始取得包括造物, 占有无主物。
Research on Ability of Taking Criminal Responsibility of a Mentally Disordered Patient
Therefore, taking the acorn as the material to produce fuel alcohol is a feasible way.
因此, 以橡实为原料生产酒精是条切实可行的利用途径。
I've mowed the front lawn, and I'm just taking a breather before taking the back lawn.
我已刈了前面的草坪, 待我休息一下后说去刈后面的草坪。
The accountant put them wise to the fact that someone was taking money from the cash box.
And when I'm not taking it out on the kids, I'm taking advantage of them. So I need help.
我不是在拿这些孩子出气 就是在利用他们,所以我需要帮助。
We should crack down on the action of taking bribes in secret and offering favors in return.
The saints are always taking everyone doing in his best as the best, so nobody maybe abandon.
圣人永远人尽其才为善, 因此没有人被忘记。
Taking a step back to accommodate others refines our character and nurtures spiritual growth.
In a court case, several government officials were accused of embezzlement and taking bribes.
Futabasha's staffers believe that Usui accidentally fell while taking photographs of the cliff.
The Buttah are normally associated with nightmares, abductions and the taking of small children.
饿鬼通过与恶梦在一起, 诱拐和吸引小孩。
On the Taking off Opportunity of Accelerating Swing Forward of the Swinging Leg in the Long Jump

单词 taking 释义

  • 单词释义:迷人的;引人注目的;会传染的  [更多..]



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