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单词 take 例句大全,用单词take造句:

What clothes should you take with you? I should take a down coat, and boots.
Take measurement at different positions and finally take the average reading.
在不同位置量度, 最后取其平均值。
Take orally. Once a day, take two capsules in the morning with empty stomach.
口服, 每日一次, 早上空腹服用两粒。
Once those droids take control of the surface, they will take control of you.
You must take care of it, take it out for walking, feed it, bath it etc.
What to take Heres a distillation of expert advice on what to take and how much.
吃什么食物及数量, 下列是专家建议的精华。
What will it take for you to take the plunge on a secondgeneration Apple tablet.
I recommend you to take care of minutes, for hours will take care of themselves.
建议你珍惜分分秒秒, 因为时间是由分秒组成的。
Those who have the ability to take action have the responsibility to take action.
Now, I do hardly want to take a meal, for I almost have too few cash to take one.
Hold a moment, look for the abyss of time, love to take photo and then take photo!
把握瞬间, 寻觅永恒, 爱拍就拍吧!
Being baldheaded may take place may also take place by certain frequency at a time.
Yes. Please take good care of yourself. It makes sense to take care of your health.
Crusaders take command of the battle, and their powers take command of their enemies.
十字军战士们命令着战局, 而他们的力量命令着他们的敌人。
I recommend that you take a long vacation. B. I recommend you to take a long vacation.
Excuse me the infantile snuffle of 3 months, can cough take medicine What drug to take
请问3个月的婴儿鼻塞,咳嗽能吃药吗 吃什么药
If place fragmentary things, so take when putting, be about to take care, lest awkward.
Life is not the amount of breaths you take, it's the moments that take your breath away.
生命所追求的不是你活了多久, 而是那令你屏息的时刻。
Clerk Airmail should take four or five days and surface mail should take about two weeks.
职员空邮四到五天就能到, 平邮大概要两周。
Nutrient division certificate is to take an examination of come out, can not take casually.
营养师证书是考出来的, 不是随便就能拿到的。
I read this address as a satire How should I take this message You cant take credit for this!
Take off As the aircraft was ready to take off, all the passengers fastened their seat belts.
it should only take a few meetings for the committee to take the measure of the new chairman.
Where is rheumatism rheumatoid arthritis treated It what drug take is better to what drug take
A man of practice sometime can take benevolence as a shortcut and take righteousness as roost.

单词 take 释义

  • 单词释义:拿,取;携带;移开;夺取;吃,喝;写下;拍照;接受  [更多..]



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