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单词 tasmanian 例句大全,用单词tasmanian造句:

But that is where the Tasmanian devil cancer has acquired an absolutely amazing evolutionary adaptation.
但是袋獾的癌细胞 具备一种令人无比惊奇的 进化适应能力
Once abundant throughout Australia Tasmanian devils are now indigenous only to the island state of Tasmania.
This disease appears first as tumors, usually on the face or inside the mouth of affected Tasmanian devils.
这种病首先表现为肿瘤 通常出现在袋獾的 脸部或口腔内
My personal aim is to defeat the Tasmanian devil cancer.
我的个人目标是 打败袋獾癌症
Australian and Tasmanian lizards.
I wish Buddhaholy and Tasmanian Buddhist community all the very best into the future.
Tasmanian Bluegum Leaf's Decoction for External Application on Residual Burn Wound
So this Tasmanian devil cancer is perhaps the ultimate cancer.
所以袋獾癌症 可能是终极版癌症
And just as the Tasmanian devil cancer is contagious through the spread of living cancer cells, so is this dog cancer.
正如同袋獾的癌症 通过癌细胞活体传播 这只狗的癌症也是
Also, the team compiled a catalog of Tasmanian devil genetic information.
Tasmanian cedar
But the Tasmanian devil population has been undergoing a really extremely fast decline.
但袋獾数量 呈急速下降的趋势
So first of all, what is a Tasmanian devil?
and spread through the entire Tasmanian devil population.
He's a Tasmanian devil that we found with a large tumor on his face.
我们发现它的脸上 有一个大肿瘤
Let's prevent the Tasmanian devil from being the first animal to go extinct from cancer.
让我们共同努力 不让袋獾成为第一个 因癌症灭绝的物种
And yet, she was feeding three little baby Tasmanian devils in her pouch.
然而它还得喂养袋里三个嗷嗷待哺的 小袋獾
Their powerful jaws give Tasmanian Devils the strongest bite of any living mammal.
They also included the export of Tasmanian pademelon wallaby products from Flinders Island.
To journey from the Tasmanian mainland to Flinders island.

单词 tasmanian 释义

  • 单词释义:adj.塔斯马尼亚的  [更多..]



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