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单词 swollen 例句大全,用单词swollen造句:

She practised so bard at repairing yarn breaks that her fingers became swollen.
她练习接断头, 手都练肿了。
beet lacking swollen root grown as a vegetable for its edible leaves and stalks.
I got a sore throat a few days ago and couldn't talk because of my swollen throat.
Frog mother goes all out to flush air, blows the belly likes the balloon, swollen.
Flowers bisexual. Pedicel filiform, articulation indistinct, not swollen in fruit.
花两性丝状的花梗, 不清楚的有节, 不膨胀在果期。
A hot joint that is swollen and tender may indicate an acute suppurative arthritis.
The tiny children, their bellies swollen from hunger, stared dumbly at the cameras.
那些小孩无言地盯着摄像机, 他们的肚子因饥饿而浮肿。
How to flinch on the body swollen ?Is this allergic phenomenon or toxic phenomenon ?
The gums are swollen, soft, and may bleed, particularly during brushing or flossing.
牙龈肿胀, 柔软, 可能出血, 尤其在刷牙或用牙线清洁的时候。
Swollen airways caused by anaphylaxis can fatally choke someone in anaphylactic shock.
Skin of inner canthus and eyelids appeared red swollen, ulceration with cave formation.
develop swollen or tender lymph nodes , especially in the neck , groin , or armpit.
You also might experience backaches, cramps, swollen legs and ankles, and varicose veins.
He thus persuaded me to let him ride me to the meditation venue despite his swollen belly.
Base of 4 moons after ankle fracture operation is treated still aches swollen still, normal
Look how swollen my arm is. Yesterday I was sitting in the garden when I got stung by a bee.
I just have been hit am swollen the face sufficient fat person, deceives oneself and others.
一直一直我都只不过是打肿了脸充胖子, 自欺欺人罢了。
His tonsils are reddened and swollen. He is suffering from acute attack of chronic tonsillitis.
In severe cases, infection can lead to swollen stomachs, bladder cancer, liver damage and death.
the swollen upper portion of a thundercloud,usually associated with the development of a thunderstorm
It is obviously swollen in the region from below the upper middle section of your right leg to the foot.
Belong to lymph node agnail, capsule of Mo Xilin of A of profess to convinced, swollen section wind piece.
耳垂后面长了个疙瘩, 是怎么回事?应该怎么治?
For several days following the incident he bled from his left ear, and his eyes and lips remained swollen.
After seeking cure to be bitten by not famous insect erubescent the folk prescription of the foot of swollen, Hei Zi!
Chinese soldiers used explosives to blast part of a leaking dike so as to release flood waters on a swollen branch of the Yangtze River.

单词 swollen 释义

  • 单词释义:膨胀的;肿起的;涨满的  [更多..]



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