What it needs to accomplish anything is the sweat of the brow, but not empty talk.
要成就任何一桩事情, 需要的是艰苦的努力而非空谈。
He smeared the sweat from his cheeks and quickly adjusted the spectacles on his nose.
Most commonly used in deodorants to plug up your pores and to not allow you to sweat.
大多用于除臭剂中, 堵塞了毛孔并防止出汗。
Joint points to hoarly in what grasp on abatis, old singlet is alar big sweat is slash.
在铁丝网上攥的发白的指关节, 旧汗衫腋下大片的汗迹。
The sweat effects were studied by the way of affecting sweat secretion of the rats'paw.
The achievements have not come easily as they are the result of blood and sweat from all.
成绩来之不易, 凝聚了大家的心血和汗水。
I really enjoy eating potatoes stewed with noodles made from bean or sweat potato starch.
Small female be astonished shakes shake one's head, sweat bead also falls down subsequently.
小女骇摇摇头, 汗珠也随之落下来。
Work up a sweat and then take a nice long shower afterwards, and you'll feel like a new person
In addition to the sweat glands, the skin contains other small glands, called sebaceous glands.
汗腺以外, 皮肤还包含其他得细小泌腺, 叫做皮脂腺。
The goods you shipped us have become moldy on arrival because of heat and sweat during transit.
Moisture absorbance and sweat transportation properties of cross profile polyester woven fabrics
Summer, adults braving scorching sun hoeing, sweat, such as injection, Saxiang black Yo Yo land.
盛夏, 大人们顶着炎炎烈日锄地, 汗水如注, 洒向黑呦呦的土地。
In truth, dogs have sweat glands all over their body. They sweat primarily through their footpads.
事实是, 狗的全身都分布着汗腺, 它们主要通过脚掌出汗。
Because the cotton moisture absorption strong, and well positioned to absorb the sweat on the skin.
因为棉料吸湿性强, 可以很好地吸收皮肤上的汗液。
The Striping of Sticky Tape and Appearance Method of Sweat Sneak Impression of Hands On Glue Surface
Clinical and pathological observation about apocrine sweat glands layer of bromhidrosis cut off surgery
Further Study on Fluorescence Revelation of Latent Sweat Fingerprint on the Adhesive Side of Gummed Tape
The reporter kept asking the Prime Minister extremely acidic questions, which caused him to begin to sweat.
A twisted branch, which I mistook for a snake, made me leap aside in fright. I broke out into a cold sweat.
一根曲拐的树枝使我惊跳起来, 出了一层汗, 以为是蛇。
In addition to an absence of fingerprints, the condition also leads to a reduction in the number of sweat glands.
Apocrine sweat glands, usually associated with hair follicles, are concentrated in the underarms and genital region.
So as to administer a shock and make him break out in a sweat, and then to give him sincere advice on getting treatment.
使患者为之一惊, 出一身汗, 然后好好地叫他们治疗。
Flaunts America with the false semblance, was not better than receives in exchange for America with the tribulation sweat.
与其用虚伪的外表来标榜美, 不如用磨难的汗水换取美。
Sufferers from night sweat are advised to take granulated infusion of Os Draconis, which is exceptionally effective against this illness.