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单词 table 例句大全,用单词table造句:

You spit bones and other food scraps on the table. Thats why you need the vinyl table cloth.
The side table Ross Well proves experimentally that a table does not always need a tabletop.
Deferred locking did not occur on a table which was executing an online table reorganization.
Adding or changing rows to a related table if there is no associated row in the primary table.
The child table node is the node that appears as an expandable child node in the parent table.
Listing 6 shows that the guidelines may contain a mixture of table names and table identifiers.
Designed bearing similarities to an old garden table table combines several designs into table.
The following statements create the bookcase table and insert the data shown in the above table.
United World Chinese table after more than carving through landscaping, a circular table column.
Drag the bottom of the table to make it longer and easier to see all of the fields in the table.
拖动表格的底部, 使之拉长, 以便看到表中的所有字段。
The first translation table is called the Page Directory, and the second is called the Page Table.
A pretty table runner laid down the length of a table can serve as both decoration and place mats.
铺放长条桌旗于餐桌上, 既为餐垫, 又是不错的装饰品。
They sat at the table, where a candelabra was already casting flickering gold light table settings.
The series forms are available as gifts table, advertising promotions table to commemorate the table.
You must enable row movement on a table in order to perform a flashback table operation on the table.
This article demonstrates how to dynamically create the table's columns and alter the table's contents.
Then transfer the data from the source table to the destination table, recreating indexes and metadata.
You can join a table to itself even if the table does not have a reflexive relationship in the database.
即使表在数据库中没有自反关系, 也可将它与自身联接。
You can also establish a foreign key in a secondary table to link with a primary key in a primary table.
Algorithmic Design of Testing with Computer whether the Multiplication Table of Binary Operation Forms Group Table.
After meals, please clean up the table, put chairs under the table, and take dining utensils to the recycling kiosk.
Provides automatic table generation on participants that do not already contain the table specified in the master replicate.
and B, accessing the flash memory based on the binding table of the physical block and the recording table of the fragmentary block.
Research on Establishment of Dual Volume Table and Timber Volume Table of Pinus Massoniana and Cunninghamia Lanceolata Plantations in Guizhou Province
Calculation of the Interaction between the Vibration Table and the Arm of Centrifuge under the Conditions of a Vibration Table Fixed in Vertical Direction of the Centrifuge.

单词 table 释义

  • 单词释义:表,目录;桌子;手术台,工作台,游戏台;平地层  [更多..]



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